The Speed of Rubber

Joerg Sprave of the Slingshot Channel demonstrates and explains his full-auto crossbow.

Ha ha ha ha!


  1. Pope Innocent would be scandalized.

  2. LOVE this guy- He's awesome. And that laugh is fantastic. Not to mention what he can do with some plywood, rubber bands, and a drill.

    By the way- another example of the top heavy teutonic/Nordic body type who is naturally (so far as I can tell) wider at the shoulders/chest than at the waist.

  3. "Imagine what you could do with a John Deere engine ha ha ha ..."

    The Roman legions would be deeply dismayed as well -- Germania with automatic crossbows and John Deere-powered ballistae ...

  4. Next he needs to design an attachment that will set the arrows on fire as they're fired....
