Speaking of decay

I can highly recommend Mary Roach's "Stiff," about cadavers.  She's a hilarious geek, sort of a morbid John McPhee.  I've now started on her "Grunt," about all the problems military personnel face other than the obvious.

I believe I'd like to be composted.


  1. I believe I'd like to be composted.

    Not me. Wastral that I am, I long to be fired off at a velocity significantly exceeding solar escape velocity, so I can wander the stars.

    I certainly have no desire to be encapsulated in Granola Land.

    Eric Hines

  2. Regarding that composting, I wonder whether those good folks have considered sprinkling the corpsicles with Rid-X and keeping the mass moist, to speed the composting along.

    Eric Hines

  3. raven2:38 PM

    Lay me to rest in my longship, place my sword in my hand, a flagon of ale in the other, set the sails, light a tremendous fire and send me off toward the ends of the world.

    McPhee is a man who can take the obscure and arcane, or the most bring everyday subject, and make a fascinating tale from them. An amazing talent.

    "Stiff", sounds interesting- thanks for the recommendation.
