Just An Idle Thought

Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter): Notice that not one leftist panicking over a "coup" or "fascism" has said "Gosh, maybe we should decrease the power of the govt"?


  1. I MAY have made a comment along this line. "If you continue to expand the power of government, then get angry when someone you don't like gets into office and uses it, then maybe you'll begin to understand why I favor small, limited government."

  2. Ymar Sakar3:27 PM

    If they decrease the power, how will they crush the peasants like Venezuela did, when they Take Power..

    Obvious answer to obvious questions.

  3. raven6:13 PM

    Speaking of Venezuela, did you note Maduro just put up a Syrian as his right hand man?

  4. Ymar Sakar5:46 PM

    Nope. Firewall is blocking most of world wide propaganda right now. Will need to dive back into Worldly matters, soon as people stop talking about Falcons.
