Dude, Where's My Car?

Donna B., writing at AVI's place, notes the transgender discomfort with the Women's March. Tracking that back to the original story, I find this:
For 20-year-old Sam Forrey, a nonbinary student in Ohio, and their girlfriend Lilian McDaniel, who is trans, there had been other warning signs that the Women's March might be a dangerous space for them.
You're a 'nonbinary' individual who wants to be referred to in the plural? Are there three of you?


  1. You're a 'nonbinary' individual who wants to be referred to in the plural? Are there three of you?

    Well, you know, the DSM-5 also addresses this sort of multiple personality thing; although it, too, has its critics.

    Eric Hines

  2. That's funny, Steven Crowder went to the Austin Women's March as a transvestite and practically had the run of the place. Even got a brief interview with the Headline speaker.

    Maybe they're just being a little too victim-y.

  3. Ymar Sakar3:48 AM

    An easy way to have 3 personalities in one body is demonic possession. Of which many psychological problems are merely byproducts of.

    Science wise, much of psychology's multiple personality whatevers, were fabricated by greedy and corrupt psychologists. THen again, Grim already assumes that.
