Does Nobody Remember Project Exile?

If President Trump wants to "send the Feds to Chicago," he doesn't need any new tools. All he needs to do is instruct his Justice Department to prosecute felons taken with guns, or drug dealers taken with guns, according to the standards of Project Exile. Those laws are still on the books, and this Clinton-era program had the support of the NRA, so there ought to be no political cost for doing it.

The number of shootings in Chicago would fall rapidly once the gangsters realize that the probable penalty for getting caught with a gun under these circumstances has risen from ~30 days in the local jail to 5-10 years in Federal prison. My guess is it won't even take very long, or require very many convictions, to change these people's attitudes about whether or not it's worth carrying a gun as a disqualified person.

They might still knife each other, but the shooting epidemic ought to be readily solvable with existing authorities and not much additional effort.


  1. Where is the problem? Wall it off and air drop ammo to them.

  2. That would require new legislation. You could call it the "Escape from New York Act of 2017."

  3. I'm not sure "getting caught with a gun" is the underlying problem here....

  4. I'm not suggesting it is.

    What I'm suggesting is that the decision by felons and drug gangsters to even be carrying a gun would be greatly affected by the realization that being caught with one means 5 or 10 years without parole.

  5. Well, yeah. It is pragmatic to take such a measure.

  6. Gringo4:46 PM

    I'm not sure "getting caught with a gun" is the underlying problem here....
    I'm not suggesting it is.

    What I'm suggesting is that the decision by felons and drug gangsters to even be carrying a gun would be greatly affected by the realization that being caught with one means 5 or 10 years without parole.

    Currently NYC's murder rate is about the same as the national average. One factor in the drop in crime in NY was arresting those with illegal guns. This was accomplished in greater part by two methods. 1) Finding illegal guns in those who were arrested via "broken windows" enforcement, such as arresting petty crimes such as jumping subway turnstiles. 2) stop-and-frisk.

  7. Ymar Sakar4:08 AM

    Bush II and others had a chance to send the US military to Chicago and Detroit to clean it of terrorists.

    Many people didn't think it worth bothering about, but I always knew that the problem was never really going to go away. With more time, the hydra would just grow, to the point where not even the US President could slow it down. The cancerous growth of the Leftist alliance from their fiefdoms and bases in the inner walls, are something that needs to be seen to be believed.

  8. Ymar Sakar4:11 AM

    The Left's problem with enforcing the law was more about manpower issues. If they had the FBI and ATF out capturing crooks with guns, then who exactly would be available to suppress the Tea Party, the bikers, and other dangerous veteran/patriotic associations?

    Executions don't come free and they need lots of manpower to hunt down the stragglers.
