Ceaușescu's America

I'm reading this collection of interviews with women who voted for Trump. At least one of them has something quite interesting to say.
I defected from Ceaușescu's Romania. You don’t grow up in a regime like that and not think about state control over human lives. Today I’m a libertarian. I believe in small government. I’m pro-choice. What I find most threatening in a democracy is extremism. She’s an ideologist and would’ve appointed Supreme Court justices with extreme positions. My vote was more an anti-Hillary vote.

I’ve lived here since 1993 but I’m still a European at heart and read the European papers. Let me tell you, Benghazi was covered with graphic detail. Reading the news in Europe I understood how censored the news in the U.S. has become, giving me flashbacks of a Commie regime. I also resented that when I opened the October issues of my fashion magazines, the editors all endorsed Clinton for president.
I've read lots of people talking about Trump in totalitarian terms, but here's the voice of a woman who really lived under a totalitarian system. Hillary Clinton was the one she recognized as reflective of it. Of course, the uniformity of expressed opinion -- and the media censorship -- is consensual here, where it was enforced by secret police there. How much does that matter? At least some, and perhaps a lot.


  1. Tyranny is always consensual, until it meets resistance.

  2. Oh yeah- again, the real story is not what these women are saying--

    The real story is they have to be anonymous when saying it.

  3. The real story is they have to be anonymous when saying it.


  4. I came across a post on a left-wing blog wherein the author offered her opinion and those of others (all of whom voted for Clinton) about why women voted for Trump. I posted a comment linking to this and said that perhaps people would be interested in hearing directly from women who voted for Trump why they did so.

    Well, apparently they were NOT interested, as it was deleted within approximately 90 seconds.

  5. There's usually a large segment of the population that's for tyranny- those who are of the party in power. Same as here for the last eight years. The difference is we could vote about it, and change things.

  6. the uniformity of expressed opinion -- and the media censorship -- is consensual here

    It's consensual in more or less the same way that the eventual sex with a man who complains unendingly about his needs, and ends up telling you that he'll spread stories about you and destroy your reputation if you don't give in is consensual. That is not the legal crime of rape, but it's not exactly mutual enthusiasm either.

  7. Gringo12:13 PM

    I posted a comment linking to this and said that perhaps people would be interested in hearing directly from women who voted for Trump why they did so.Well, apparently they were NOT interested, as it was deleted within approximately 90 seconds.

    I am reminded of our friend Liza, who wanted to know why people voted for Trump, but when she was given a number of reasons, spent a lot of time trying to show why those were not valid reasons for voting for Trump.

  8. Ymar Sakar7:32 PM

    I've read lots of people talking about Trump in totalitarian terms

    One good reason I firewalled off Leftists, their sources, and propaganda which people now like to call "fake news" even though they believed more than half in 2004.
