ATTN Progressives: You'd Have Hated Hillary's Cabinet, Too

Don't take my word for it. The New Republic has it broken down for you.


  1. Gringo3:15 PM

    Two of the three Secretary of State possibilities are John Podesta and Joe Biden. Not very appetizing. IIRC, this website pointed out that Podesta's lobbying firm- or was it his brother's firm- had a Russian megabank as a client.

  2. ColoComment7:31 PM

    I am told by people who worked with her that Michele Flournoy (misspelled in article) would make an acceptable SecDef.

    For the rest of them..., ptooey. I suspect that we dodged a bullet to the temple of Liberty when Hillary was defeated.

  3. This is premised on the idea that progressive media would be making a rational calculation of what the nominees' qualifications and problems might be. That has nothing to do with the clear enjoyment they are getting from tribal wailing.

    I'm talking about my well-educated cousins here, not just people I read about on conservative sites.

  4. No, I can promise you they'd have ignored whatever warts her picks would have had.
