"A gilded despair"

Funny how now that some of the right people are thinking about TEOTWAWKI prep, it's time to think mournfully about the breakdown of civility.  And clearly the breakdown isn't the sort of thing we saw in Ferguson or the Pink Hat March, but the behavior of those awful people who elected Trump, not realizing the danger that he was going to become a fascist dictator.

I worry about Trump in a lot of ways, but honestly not that he'll be a fascist dictator.  I worry that he'll be ineffectual or wobbly, not that he'll be wildly successful in becoming Kim Jong Il.  It's already pretty clear he won't wobble on a number of conservative issues, so perhaps I'll have to grit my teeth only over trade protectionism and Keynesian stimulus spending.  I don't see any support for my initial fear that he would be ineffectual, either, but we haven't yet gotten into the nitty-gritty of any legislation.  I will cheer if he slaps the Republicans around and keeps their eye on the ball.


  1. The Conan the Barbarian cartoon attending your article is funny. :)


  2. Wanna get a lot of silo condo owners spun up good? Start a rumor that the Russians and the Chinese never pulled the Titan silo's off the target list. Who knows? Maybe they never did!

    Be a real bummer to find out your bucks up survival haven had a five megaton nuke aimed at it!

  3. I can't find it now, but saw a great version of the Conan bit with Trump photoshopped in and replacing "women" with "cocoa sipping pajama boys"

  4. I saw one on FB yesterday, but I think it was "effeminate males"--more direct!

  5. Ymar Sakar9:29 AM

    Lucifer is what Americans should be worrying about, not Trum. The absolute confidence of Americans in saying "it can never happen here" is amusing, but akin to the wandering lost sheep.

    Slavery 2.0 was incubated in the United States, and it was never entirely eradicated contrary to historical propaganda.

  6. I like "lamentations of the media" as a substitution in the Conan saying.

    (Ymar, is there some reason you spell Trump's name without the last letter? I find name-flames somewhat tiresome, myself.)

  7. Ymar Sakar4:15 AM

    (Ymar, is there some reason you spell Trump's name without the last letter?

    Is there some people Trum and people say "YUGE" all the time?

    I find name-flames somewhat tiresome, myself.

    Not my problem, of course.
