The Feast of Christmas

The steaks are ribeyes, some two inches thick, served medium rare. The croissants are filled with many things, from chocolate to ginger to orange marmalade.

I also made cheesecake, and my sister brought sugar cookies, and my mother made Christmas fudge. The wife made these sausage and cheese balls that she only does this one time every year, as otherwise we might eat nothing else.


  1. You mean the little balls with sausage and cheese and flour, kind of like a soft, spherical cookie? I absolutely love those. They're the only treat I'm missing this year; my usual source fell through. All your food looks absolutely wonderful.

  2. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Yup. I cooked a 15 prime rib for my family.

    Mashed Potatoes. Shrimp, Fruit Salad.

    Good Eating is what happens at Christmas!


  3. You mean the little balls with sausage and cheese and flour, kind of like a soft, spherical cookie?

    Yep, that's it. I might forgo all other forms of food if it were available regularly.

  4. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Sausage balls are evil*. Tasty, tasty, don't dare make them myself evil. Especially if someone uses a really good sharp cheddar and Jimmy Dean spicy sausage.

    *(For certain post-modern slang uses of "evil.")


  5. Oh, they're the debbil's work for sure!

  6. Speaking of the Devil's work ...

    The reading of the day from the venerable "Drinking with the Saints" indicates that the libations of the day are eggnog and Christmas punch.

    It may strike some of you as amusing, but my extended family actually has a very high percentage of teetotalers, so the idea of drinking alcohol on Christmas day is strange to me. Hence, I will suggest Maria von Trapp's (of "Sound of Music" fame) recipe for Christmas punch for children [and teetotalers]:

    1 qt. grape juice
    2 qts. water
    2 cups sugar
    1/2 tsp. whole cloves
    1 stick cinnamon
    juice of 2 lemons (2-3 oz.)
    juice of 2 oranges (4-5 oz.)
    rind of above lemons and oranges

    Boil sugar, water, lemon rind, and spices until flavored. Mix with the rest, boil 5 minutes, and serve hot in punch glasses. Makes approx. 12 cups.

    Apparently, Mrs. von Trapp wrote a book ("Around the Year with the Trapp Family") which included her family's Austrian customs for the liturgical year, upon which the venerable "Drinking with the Saints" draws for a number of recipes.
