Pull Yourself Together

You can check yourself into a psych ward over Hillary losing the election if you want to do, but we're not going to kill you. You're just being silly. The odds of a civil war in this country fell through the floor when Trump won. Clinton was apt to provoke one with her commitment to Australian gun control and Supreme Court nominees who would have voided the Second Amendment. We'd have fought over that, some of us.

I'm not going to spend ten minutes thinking about you or how to ruin your life after I finish typing this post. You're totally safe from me. I don't care about you the least little bit. I certainly don't hate you. Go do whatever it is you do, and stop worrying so much about your fellow Americans.


  1. Complete with trigger warning, PuffHo put in for the little snowflake.

    At least he found his safe space.


    Eric Hines

  2. Projection. Their fears do not reflect our behavior, but their knowledge of themselves.

  3. Eric Blair9:09 PM

    What AVI said. I see so much of that nowadays.....

  4. Ymar Sakar12:28 AM

    The odds of a civil war in this country fell through the floor when Trump won.

    Since people thought it was 0% before, kind of hard to go lower than that.

    But generally in a civil war where the Left is freely attack the non Left, by the time the anti Left is created to make the Left stop attacking, the anti Left will then begin attacking. That doesn't mean civil war is cut off, just delayed by the pendulum.

  5. There's a long road between "inevitable" and "impossible."
