Nailed it

They might be describing me personally.  Lately I've been loving his cabinet picks, but before the election I didn't dare hope for so much in that area, or any other.  Nevertheless, at my nadir of enthusiasm for the Republican candidate, I loved that for once we had a guy who didn't whimper in the face of a partisan and close-minded press:
The public took the media's vitriol and hate directed at Trump as the highest recommendations he could possibly get. That's why the media, the pundits, the celebrities and even the polls were all in mass denial about Trump's chances until the very night of the election.
"For many Republicans who weren't enthusiastic Trump supporters but wanted something to like about him, his refusal to give the media a free pass on their combative bias was a big thing," wrote Stephen Kruiser at the PJMedia website. That, by the way, is why Trump spent so much less than Hillary Clinton on his campaign. The media covered him heavy and hard, thinking it would take him down. The over-the-top, saturation coverage did just the opposite.


  1. Indeed. It's important to remember that he's not a good guy because it's so easy to like this aspect of him. I was watching again his conflict with Megyn Kelly ("Only Rosie O'Donnell"), and it's so easy to enjoy it without noticing her rather joylessly bringing him back to the fact that it wasn't only Rosie, and that he'd treated many women in this way -- a fact he admits and acknowledges.

    Then he gives an answer that is directed against PC, and it's perfect. He's right, we need to kill this thing. And yet, you know, it's not just political correctness involved in standards about how to talk to people. The most basic courtesy has an ethical value that goes beyond merely being "correct," let alone politically so. There's a reason these courtesies exist.

  2. raven5:56 PM

    " There's a reason these courtesies exist. "

    yes- and the law of unintended consequences strikes again- the reason they exist is being washed away by the PC idiot manta. Courtesy demands courtesy. It cannot exist as a one sided state. Call people deplorable long enough and they may decide a courteous response is unwarranted.

  3. Anyway, they weren't worried that he was discourteous; if they were, they wouldn't obsess on the discourtesies that violate PC sacred cows, while tolerating all other kinds of discourtesy.

  4. It's important to remember that he's not a good guy because it's so easy to like this aspect of him.

    Well stated. I've been fighting the same tendency myself (to excuse things I would not condone in anyone else). I agree with Raven's point that there's a definite limit to courtesy. And I'm willing - to a point - to overlook a lot when it's directed towards someone who has behaved badly first. He has a right to defend himself, certainly.

  5. To Tex's point, I do love it when the media go ballistic, painting Trump as the second coming of Hitler, Beelzebub, and Belial combined... and then act all shocked when he doesn't meekly roll over and verbally pee on himself.

    How would Hitler respond?

  6. Eric Blair10:55 PM

    Hitler would have been, well, his brownshirts, would have been killing journalists and so on.

    People that I once respected have gone full in on this Trump-is-Hitler thing, and they're basically crazy now.

    As Trump would say: SAD!

  7. People that I once respected have gone full in on this Trump-is-Hitler thing...

    They're talking about marching on DC. People who couldn't run a half mile without spitting up their lunch. People who wouldn't know an iron sight picture from a ghost ring. People I don't want to bury, but they're two minutes from midnight.

    They're hanging on us. If they are alive in three weeks, it's because we wanted them to be. And they won't get it, not even then.

  8. Nothing says, "I'm an entitled, overprotected wuss who has never experienced either genuine hardship nor real political repression" like looking at Trump and seeing a genocidal mass murderer :p

  9. #FirstWorldPoliticalProblems

  10. Ymar Sakar10:14 PM

    Trum has benefited much from the Left's PC since he was a Democrat and paid Democrat senators a lot of money for campaigns.

    Now that he no longer benefits or wishes to become a Republican, he criticizes that which he helped Soros fund. It's part of the Deal.

    Funding only corrupt Democrats like Reid and those involved in the Housing Crisis, wasn't merely politics as usaul.
