Has Russia Subverted US Intelligence?

John R. Schindler raises the possibility in his latest piece.


  1. Schindler may know what he's talking about when he says Russian has an NSA mole, but he confuses me by referring to the DNC/Wikileaks scandal as "disinformation." It was the furthest thing from disinformation; it was a hostile leak of completely genuine information. As someone said this week, we may never know the full story of who is responsible for the hacking/leak, but we know very well who's responsible for the content of the emails.

    What's most astounding to me is that the White House has known about the Russian hacking for many months, and only days before the election was sure it was nothing to worry about, certainly nothing to take action on. Only when they concluded that the indisputably true disclosures had harmed Clinton enough to tip the voters away from her did they conclude that the Russian's purpose was to help Trump, and that the election process had been compromised. None of this passes the smell test.

  2. What fascinates me that exposure of secret strategy communications among the Democratic National Committee is regarded as a bigger problem than exposure of secret strategy communications among United States State Department employees using insecure Clinton.Com servers.

    Can anybody worried about Russian Hackers explain that priority to me?

  3. Not even these idjits are prepared to go public with an argument that it's unfair for Clinton to lose just because of voter revulsion over her negligent exposure of sensitive State Dept. info that could get people killed--not even if they argue that the Russians hacked the State Dept. emails and leaked them maliciously in an attempt to throw the election. But it's just barely possible, if you squint, to call this new material something anodyne like "internal DNC strategy," ignore the embarrassing stuff like CNN leaking debate questions to Clinton, infer out of thin air that there's equally bad stuff in the RNC emails that the Russians obtained but sat on, and complain that the Russians are playing favorites. (Not only playing favorites, but playing the wrong favorites! The nerve!)

    It doesn't explain, of course, why the DNC hack was no big deal as long as it wasn't noticeably hurting the D candidate, just as it's hard to explain why voter fraud didn't even exist, let alone pose a problem, until it became a possible explanation for the appalling win by the R candidate.

  4. Can anybody worried about Russian Hackers explain that priority to me?

    See who it is who's worried about DNC and Dem Campaign hacks and who it is who's responsible for the State Department classified exposures.

    The priority flows directly from that. As does who it is who's worried about which.

    Eric Hines

  5. Can anybody worried about Russian Hackers explain that priority to me?

    It's very similar to the leaking of internal CIA / Intelligence Community findings in order to influence the narrative. The State Department strategy communications, like the CIA report, are actually classified. That means that they are state secrets, and it is illegal to leak them. State secrets are always highly suspect. Leaking them is thus a brave, patriotic act being taken at personal risk for the good of the Republic.

    The DNC's communications, meanwhile, were an act of political organizing by a group of dedicated activists. Obviously, interfering with such a group is to assail virtue itself. Unless they're right-wing organizations, in which case they can't be said to be properly-speaking "organizing." Not like a "community organizer" would. Those people are just misusing things like 501(c)3s to avoid paying taxes, and should be made to turn over all their internal communications to the state if they desire to prove otherwise.

  6. The correct word for "organizing" in that context is "conspiracy." When progressives do it, it's solidarity.

  7. I agree with Tex -- Schindler's characterization of Russian ops as "spies-telling-lies" is bizarre. "Spies-telling-truths-inconvenient-for-Clinton" maybe, but it seems the Russians released the truth.

    Also, during the Cold War the Soviets were apparently always able to get moles into important positions, so it's no surprise that Russia still does. It probably doesn't help that our education system is often anti-American.

  8. As far as I have heard, the RNC *wasn't* hacked so there never were any equivalent emails to not release.


  9. Eric Blair8:45 PM

    Schindler basically has trump-derangement-syndrome, and he's not doing himself any favors.
