Good, government jobs

A big factor in my defection from the Democratic Party in the 1990s came when the evening newscasters analyzed the big, scary government-shutdown threat and couldn't find any heartrending stories about vital services not being provided to the citizens.  Instead, the stories were all about poor Betty, who wouldn't be able to draw her paycheck this Friday in exchange for doing some kind of job that the reporter didn't even bother describing, let alone justifying the tax cost of.

They're at it again:  CNBC sniffs and huffs at the "fox guarding the henhouse" quality of Trump's anti-departmental picks for department heads.  It's even worse than that, CNBC complains:
Some people are using the "fox guarding the hen house" metaphor to describe these picks. But that's not exactly right. Remember the fox just wants to eat the chickens, not tear down the hen house and put the chickens out of a job.
But you know, guys, the point of the Department of Energy is not supposed to be to provide bureaucrats at the DOE with a nice paycheck. Rick Perry doesn't want to eat the chickens. He wants them to go get an honest job in the private sector and quit eating the taxpayers out of house and home. Alternatively, the chickens might try persuading someone that they're doing work that's actually worth their chicken feed.  As it is, they're essentially expecting the farmer to keep them as pets.  "You wouldn't eat us, would you?"


  1. It delights me to think that some of these agencies might not exist in four years' time. :)

  2. This is just chickens coming home to roost.

    Also, what a dumb thing to say: "Remember the fox just wants to eat the chickens, not tear down the hen house and put the chickens out of a job."

    So, putting the chickens out of a job is worse than eating the chickens? Some people have no idea what they are saying.

  3. I could point you at some scientists and engineers who try to squeeze every DOE nickel into a dime.

  4. So, putting the chickens out of a job is worse than eating the chickens?

    Some of those chickens are pretty scraggily, too, and not worth the eating.

    Eric Hines

  5. Gringo6:48 PM

    Send the DOE bureaucrats to work in West Texas, which has both an abundance of fossil fuel energy production and wind energy production. After all, Midland was good enough for George HW Bush. Shouldn't energy people work where the energy is?

  6. Shouldn't energy people work where the energy is?

    They'd need to commute: summers in West Texas, winters in the Dakotas.

    Eric Hines
