Electoral College Votes, Donald Trump to be President

It's over. Only 2 Trump electors defected, half as many as defected from Clinton.


  1. Are the Dems finished yet? The Repubs are, so that "2" count is final, but I think Clinton might still lose some more votes. Odd that 3/4 of her defections so far were to Colin Powell. None to Sanders.

    I loved the "Fox Butterfield" coverage: despite tantrums, demonstrations, petitions, condescending celebrity PSAs, and death threats to the Republican electors, they somehow weren't persuaded to change their votes. Iss a puzzlement.

  2. It's as if they valued something besides the opinion of their (screaming, threatening, lecturing) betters.

  3. I loved the "Fox Butterfield" coverage: despite tantrums, demonstrations, petitions, condescending celebrity PSAs, and death threats to the Republican electors, they somehow weren't persuaded to change their votes. Iss a puzzlement.

    Clearly, the Russians influenced them? And Comey - James Comey.

  4. There were three other Democrats who tried to defect, but were disallowed. Two for Sanders, one for Kasich. Please note that none of the seven defected to another Democrat.

  5. So where the recount of original votes was allowed, Clinton lost votes.

    Where a recount was NOT allowed, it was because the machines showed more original votes counted (for Clinton) than paper ballots archived or poll-book registrations recorded. So those votes should be considered illegitimate.

    Now the faithless (or conscience-voting) electors have switched from Clinton to others.

    I almost hope the Democratic party continues the current efforts to overturn the 2016 results. A lot of bugs under the rocks they want turned over.

  6. Where a recount was NOT allowed, it was because the machines showed more original votes counted (for Clinton) than paper ballots archived or poll-book registrations recorded. So those votes should be considered illegitimate.

    Now, now. Keep repeating to yourself "There's no such thing as voter fraud." :p

  7. This is not the last time. This election opened a new front, so to speak—attempting to intimidate the Electoral College. Demands for recounts did not used to be the norm, but evidently they will be from now on. That was the previous front.

    The next time a Republican is elected President, look for this new tactic to be expanded and enhanced. I think it was ad hoc this time, but it won't be next time.

    (I may sound alarmist. This is because I am alarmed: I believe we just witnessed a (half-assed) attempt at a coup d'etat, with the media cooperating and millions of Americans signing petitions in support. And even half-assed attempts at that alarm me severely.)

  8. Ymar Sakar6:55 AM

    The Leftist alliance's plans are in the 100 year zone. Most America's plans don't reach next year.

    An interesting dichotomy.
