Edible fish

Our neighbor's daughter and son-in-law are visiting, which makes for a big redfish limit.  His indifferent fillet technique (just grabbing the chunks suitable for tonight's fish-fry) makes in turn for excellent fishframes in our own kitchen.  We've harvested the rest of the useful meat and dropped about eight big frames into a large stockpot, heads and all.  There's a heroic batch of fish soup or gumbo on the way soon.


  1. raven4:49 PM

    We had a nice salmon fillet for Christmas dinner, from the summers catch up in the Aleutians. Simple and tasty!

  2. I went into town and got shrimp, crab, and scallops to add to the fish for gumbo.

  3. Gringo2:14 PM

    Bones in the soup or gumbo works very well for turkey, also.Kak-ik is a tasty and spicy turkey stew from Guatemala. In Guatemala, Coban/Cobanero chiles would be used instead of chipotles, but chipotles do just fine as a substitute. Moritas would also work. I added cabbage to mine, as I had a lot of cabbage. But I didn't kill a turkey on the spot either, as would be done in the homemade Guatemalan version.
