Veteran's Day

With thanks to all of you who served, and all of you who supported those who did.

Celebrate as you think best. I'm sure you'll do something appropriate.


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Bar-b-q'd beast, roasted broccoli, salad, a nice glass of red wine, sunset on my deck, and
    a prayer for guidance.


  2. We always go to an event in the morning at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Hollywood Hills Court of Liberty- perhaps L.A.'s most patriotic place, honoring veterans, with parachutists, a flyover of T-6 Texans, speeches from politicians and guests (the politician was pretty good this year!), a local high school ROTC did honor guard quite nicely, and music was provided by a couple of singers, a Pipes and Drums group, and the Band of the California Battalion, who along with the duet did a wonderful rendition of all four verses of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Then they give out free ice cream sandwiches afterward!
