OSU Volunteers

Much like the impromptu citizens militia of Flight 93, yesterday's attack on OSU prompted a sudden response.
OSU student, Molly Clarke, recalled the incident, citing, “We have quite a few military men in our class, who are actually all standing by the doors, keeping us safe.” She added, “I’m feeling pretty good about that.”

@CNN It's what we do. What most people take for as a right is truly made by sacrifice. I love my brothers and sisters. Best family ever.

— Disabled War Vet (@WarVet_MarsOne) November 28, 2016

Their training instantly kicked in and the heroic servicemen quickly secured the area, relying on the only weapons the gun-free campus would allow them to use — their own bodies.

Names of the military members have yet to be released but reports indicate that the servicemen moved the class into the middle of the room while they stood watch at the door.
Ultimately the issue was resolved by the good shooting of a young police officer, but these moves are not in vain. This is how a similar attack was stopped on a train in France -- also by US servicemembers. Being of the right mind, and training yourself to do your best physically, is a key part of filling this critical citizen function.

It might help if they weren't completely disarmed, too.


  1. In a crisis, you will not rise to the occasion. You will revert to the level of your training.

    God bless them and those who trained them.

  2. Ymar Sakar6:43 PM

    On average, it's around half of their training. Which is why hard core trainers often train far beyond realistic challenges.

    For most normal people, that would be equivalent to training to eliminate serial killers and terrorists, when they expect to encounter burglars and battery prone individuals.

    As for being disarmed, Grim, you might be surprised at the amount of non lethal weapons the TSA aren't ordered to confiscate, that's been floating around.

    Waiting in ambush in a room, is one of the smarter tactical decisions people have come up with. Far better than trying to charge across a killing zone in a straight line.

  3. It's also something the students probably will never forget, and may arm them mentally against some silly arguments they're likely to hear in the future.
