No Nazis Welcome

In a far-ranging interview with the New York Times, the US president-elect was quoted as saying: "I condemn them. I disavow, and I condemn."

He said he did not want to "energise" the group, which includes neo-Nazis, white nationalists and anti-Semites.

Alt-right supporters were filmed on Saturday in Washington DC cheering as a speaker shouted: "Hail Trump."

In the video, Richard Spencer, a leader of the "alt-right" movement, told a conference of members that America belongs to white people, whom he described as "children of the sun".
They really didn't do themselves any favors at this weekend's conference, especially right at the end. My guess is that there were some 3 martini lunches.

In fairness, at least one of their leaders has called for an end to any sort of Nazi symbolism.

Swimming is good for you, but some people need it more than others.


  1. I think there were about 200 at a national conference. Most highschool football crowds could absorb that without noticing it.

  2. I think Trump tried to take the right approach- ignore them, they're insignificant- but the press/leftists (but I repeat myself) won't let it lay. The reason is that it's had some traction among moderates (like my brother with whom I've been e-discussing this lately). The problem with this is that it empowers the Nazi's because they're made to seem bigger than they are. Strangely enough, this attracts some people who might not otherwise be attracted.

  3. raven8:33 PM

    All they have to do is start calling themselves the National Socialist Workers Party and all the criticism will fade away....

  4. Ymar Sakar2:04 PM

    Shrugs. Nazis were only a problem because the Soviets allied with them, then lied about it later once the US bailed them out by literally sending Uncle Stalin gold. Of course US bails out banks and other globalists. The US has bailed out far worse... check MacArthur's agreement with the Japanese biological warfare scientists. Or was that FDR. Either way.

  5. Ymar Sakar2:09 PM

    Many in the Alt Right come from the PUA/Alpha game culture, Trum multiple wife harem thing, NY culture. They are not SJWs or Leftists, but the only reason why they are anti Left is because they come from the Left. Often literally, in the case of children of Democrats.

    They grew up in a world that has increasingly become a dystopia to them, at least in comparison to the Free Love of the 60s or other magical utopian beliefs carried as water by the cargo cultists. In Alt and Woodstock, sane Americans saved their bacon. The Hells' Angels in Alt, and community good volunteers who gave the Woodstock teens water and food.

    Thus the white supremacists have always been in the uS, formerly funded and backed by Democrats like Robert KKK Byrd. Now they are cut off, and see the Alt Right as a way to regain their former white glory.

    They appeal to the Alt Right youth in the sense that any nationalist pride appeals to those who have been humiliated by their enemies (Weimar Germany). In Europe, they have a strong sense of community values and the "nazi" parties are just local community chapters the way the founder of the KKK originally envisioned the KKK as, a fraternity to help others. More average version of Mensa or Prometheus.

  6. Ymar Sakar2:12 PM

    All they have to do is start calling themselves the National Socialist Workers Party and all the criticism will fade away....

    The communists precisely called them capitalist collaborators because the National Socialism thing was different from the Stalin/Lenin/Trotsky idea of Marx.

    The real reason I think the Left hates Nazis is because Stalin was afraid of Hitler and Hitler also attacked their beloved Soviet Union. The Left never forgives a direct attack of that nature.
