My Food is Problematic

"Although breastfeeding is assumed to be natural and a biological function, we problematize the practice as gendered and heteronormative."
You do that. I know a three-month-old who needs to eat every three hours, however, and she will not care what you think about how she does it.


  1. What natural and alternative biological function do these Precious Ones suggest?

    Eric Hines

  2. Gringo7:22 PM

    we problematize the practice as gendered and heteronormative."

    Which is why I and many others roll our eyes at sociology-speak.
    Reading that quote reminds me of one attributed to Sigmund Freud: "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

    That quote reminds me of my intense dislike of English classes: forcing students into becoming junior literary critics, which involved finding hidden meanings like the above- whether they existed or not.

  3. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I want to know what a nebulous boundary is.

    Seriously, I doubt that the writers of that abstract know the meaning of about 1/3 of the words they are attempting to use.


  4. I think they've problematized their command of the English language. But I denounce my heteronormativity.

  5. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Grim, I love babies..... They have a way of grounding a set of parents in the most wonderful of ways.
    Everyday wonders. Everyday firsts Everyday natural reality.

    When education loans are easy to be had, and discharge of said education debt in bankruptcy court is next to impossible, ( as banks are a protected class ya know), universities will teach anything for the easy money, and will not care a damn about enslaving a fool for most of their life with debt.

    Is it any wonder you get papers like this? This is what we are allowing our universities to pedal as research....

    Are we nuts?


  6. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I thought some of the history journals I skim through could be, hmm, tightly focused. But the _Journal of GLBT Family Research_ wins the award, at least for now.


  7. Actually, a lot of the academic left is philosophically anti-realist. They probably believe every word.

  8. What natural and alternative biological function do these Precious Ones suggest?

    Oh, babies should simply learn to absorb sunlight. Parents who embrace their non-gendered status will take classes in stimulating their offspring's chakras to help.

  9. Tom, there's actually an on-line comic that involves a humanoid species of Orions that have chlorophyl for their skin.

    Eric Hines

  10. It is not intended to convey information, it is intended to advertise membership in a tribe by speaking its language. It also signals that the author is brave enough and clever enough to question anything and to enforce a social discipline on others in the tribe that they had best not stray.

    I like that problematise in this context (it is as flexible in meaning as anything else) seems to mean "make into a problem."
