Georgia Is Not A Swing State

The signs literally pointed to a Trump walkaway here, and so it would seem to be ordained. The rest of the nation may do what it likes, but Georgia is not -- as so breathlessly reported -- in any danger of voting for Hillary Clinton.


  1. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Ohio is redeeming itself in 2016 after the 8 years of the Obama debacle!!

  2. I also thought it was weird that Georgia was considered a toss-up state, but it's been a weird year. So far, its not looking too bad.

  3. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Why is Ga not gone to trump yet?

    11:37 pm

  4. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Donald J. Trump
    1,789,875 53.4%

    Hillary Clinton
    1,459,335 43.5

    Gary Johnson
    103,635 3.1

    84% reporting (2,259 of 2,702 precincts)

  5. Not sure why not. It's obvious he is going to carry it.

  6. Fox News has called it for Trump.

    Eric Hines

  7. It's looking kinda like a Trump presidency out there ...

  8. Wow. I may have to join my wife in taking my daughter to school tomorrow, just to see how bad the mental carnage I among the progressive crowd- pardon my schadenfreude. This is the crowd that just last week in a parent meeting about bullying had several people get up and speak assuming (and without doubt, I may add) that 'we're all progressives at least'. I stood up to comment about a couple things, and had to add that I was surprised at the broad brush assumptions, and that I was not a progressive. Some folks actually thanked me for that. Just a glimpse into the heart of deep blue California.

  9. Fox News has called the whole thing for Trump with a projection of PA going to him..

    Eric Hines
