Election Day

Go vote, if you haven't. Vote your conscience, as Ted Cruz said. By now you know what it says. Do what it tells you that you have to do.

I won't hold it against you, however you vote. You're thoughtful people of good heart, at least the ones who join us in conversation. I don't have to agree with you to like you, and you'll all have good reasons for having done whatever you do.

May God Defend the Right, wherever He can find it in this mess.


  1. You're a good man Grim. However, I will hold it against someone if they vote for Hillary. A vote for Hillary is a vote for corruption.

  2. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Folks, Just voted against HRC.

    Kindly consider thisWarning.

    A vote for Hillary is a vote for four years of ball busting..

    If Hillary Clinton wins on Tuesday, you might as well lop off your testicles with a meat cleaver and ship them parcel post to Washington, DC. Either that, or you can wait until the new Queen Bee’s Castration Squad knocks down your door and leaves your groin as flat and smooth as a Barbie Doll’s crotch. Get ready to have a vagina spot-welded onto where you used to have a penis.

    Please share this article by using the link below. When you cut and paste an article, Taki's Magazine misses out on traffic, and our writers don't get paid for their work. Email editors@takimag.com to buy additional rights. .......

    Read more at:


  3. I find one of those two arguments to be compelling. Although I do believe the Taki article's claim that Clinton's election will be as good for gender relations as Obama's was for race relations. That seems obviously correct.

  4. If Hillary Clinton wins on Tuesday, you might as well lop off your testicles with a meat cleaver and ship them parcel post to Washington, DC. Either that, or you can wait until the new Queen Bee’s Castration Squad knocks down your door and leaves your groin as flat and smooth as a Barbie Doll’s crotch. Get ready to have a vagina spot-welded onto where you used to have a penis.

    No. I'm no quitter, and I'm not going to surrender now.

    Eric Hines

  5. Anonymous2:38 PM


    After I voted, I went to work out, and after I had gotten into my car, I noticed something odd on the passenger seat window. I turned on the car, and then decided to turn it off and go see whatever it was.

    It looked like a moth a little over an inch long, with ruffled wings. I went around my car for a closer look, and sure enough it was a moth, but one of those camouflage insects that has a fake head on the wrong end. The only way I could really tell which end was which, was to look at the placement of the legs.

    I tried to take some pictures, but I knew they would not turn out, due to the glare and shadows on the window. Indeed, I got no good detail.

    I had been wound up and worried about this election, but not any more.

    I have seen a creature I'd only read about, before. God is still in His heaven, and all is right with the world. I figure I will know the results by tomorrow, and at sunset I am going to toast that gorgeous view with a nice glass of red wine, and a prayer for guidance.

    Depending on which side wins, the tasks will be different, but there will still be work to be done.


  6. I'm no quitter, and I'm not going to surrender now.

    It was a silly claim. There's no danger of Hillary Clinton trying to eliminate men if she wins. They'll be needed to blame for everything, the next four or eight years. If she got rid of men, how then would she explain her constant failures?

  7. God is still in His heaven, and all is right with the world.

    An excellent moment. It reminds me of the scene in Mordor, when they gaze upon the stars and realize that those things will forever be beyond Sauron. No matter if he wins or loses in Middle Earth, the heavens are forever beyond his power.

  8. raven4:00 PM

    The essential reason evil cannot triumph long term, is that it destroys.
    Good, creates.
    Although it is much easier to destroy, in the end, evil eats it's own.

  9. I'm no quitter, and I'm not going to surrender now.

    It was a silly claim. There's no danger of Hillary Clinton trying to eliminate men if she wins. They'll be needed to blame for everything, the next four or eight years. If she got rid of men, how then would she explain her constant failures?

    The thrust of the claim was valid in two ways. In the worse and despicable way, it was begging to be allowed to surrender, and that I will never do, nor will I ever actually surrender.

    In the other way, it was a recognition of the damage facing our nation from a Clinton administration. Which is why I will never surrender.

    Eric Hines

  10. Well, I'll go along with you on "despicable."

    I warned you all early that I thought this was going to turn into the Al Bundy vs. Marcy Darcy election. I wonder when, or if, our nation will be able to put such things behind us again after it. The Taki piece suggests that the author expects it will stay with us, redoubled, should Clinton win; but of course, should Trump win, he will himself drive any number of affronts that will renew the conflict.

    It's all wrong. Men and women are meant to respect each other, because we need each other. We were, in a real sense, made for each other. This is a foolish fight because no one can possibly win it.

  11. Yeah, however, Clinton's damage will be broader, longer lasting, and at least much of it possibly permanent. Trump's damage will be severe, but limited and not permanent.

    Eric Hines

  12. Gringo5:53 PM

    I have a Book Club meeting tonight. Politics is not discussed much, though it is not difficult to determine that most are Democrats. I wonder what the tone will be tonight. Those who attend have decided to not watch at least part of the results on TV.

  13. Ymar Sakar5:59 PM

    God has a plan, even if mortals like me aren't made aware of it. Strangely enough, the more I came to see the existence of a personal evil, the more the existence of a personal God that gave humans revelation, became more tangible.

    Before, it was always easier to believe in a higher power, but one that cared as much for humans as the Sun cares about a comet.

    If evil is so concerned with corrupting humans, by law and organization, this means the opposite force also exists. Deduction and logic, analytical prediction, aren't merely things the egg heads from atheist intellectual enclaves can use.

  14. If there is a logical structure to the world, it descends from the first principle of creation. Of course, that isn't proven -- and I've often argued that the physical world, at least, is analogical rather than logical.

  15. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I voted last week because of school and other commitments today. I voted for a few, against a few, and mostly against local bond issues that certain city government elements have been a touch less than forthcoming about (in my opinion). It wasn't a happy vote, as it has been at times in the past, but I did what I felt was best and my conscience is clean.


  16. Ymar Sakar9:56 AM

    If there is a logical structure to the world, it descends from the first principle of creation.

    The logic humans use is of limited application, since we live in an Euclidean 3 dimension world.

    For an entity that exists in the 4th or higher dimensions, time is not a river they get carried away on. Meaning, in our universe cause and effect goes in one direction. For something that exists outside of time's limitations as a linear phenomenon, there is no cause and no effect. Or rather, the effect is the cause, and the cause the effect.

    What came first, the chicken or the egg. What existed before the Big Bang, did God "cause" the Big Bang? Those are the questions which humans try to puzzle out with our limited view of time and space. It is sometimes written that God is wiser and more knowledgeable than any human or all of humanity, but I have to question what that means. It is not knowledge that sets God apart from mortals, it is the inherent capability. What would the solar system look like to an entity that has no concept of cause or effect, if they form a Contract or Will it, then it becomes a quantum collapsed wave front on this reality?

    People have often superstitiously contested or attested that "God" Causes things to Happen. I have to wonder at that from a quantum mechanics pov. Technically in quantum mechanics, reality is "caused" by us observing it. Before, all potential futures are open, but only when observed does that branch choice become our reality. How much greater would this effect apply to an entity that is considered powerful as a god?

    The fact that the Jews have survived more or less until now, may merely be a result of the Contract with Abraham. The Ark of the Covenant so to speak. Out of all world lines that could exist, God's firm belief in the Covenant collapses us into a world line that has to exist where the Jews survive until the completion of the Covenant/Promise/Contract. All other world lines where the Jews did not survive, are cut off from this reality and plane of existence. Because there is no observer Willpower strong enough to override God's will. The first intelligence in the universe might indeed become that God, for there would be no other observer to contest the will.

    -By a self proclaimed mad scientist.

    I used to talk about Civil War 2 and the Left's danger in the uS, and that was qualification enough to be considered insane or crazy, but these days I find that is insufficient of a category for qualification. That is my own contract, of a sort.
