Don't let it be

Lockstep's appeal:
The problem is that while conservatives see “Live and Let Live” as a useful if imperfect instrument of civil peace, progressives view “Live and Let Live” as a distinct moral evil. It is less important to them that California is allowed to be California than that Texas should be forbidden to be Texas. Progressives have since the time of Bismarck had a mania for uniformity, because they believe that uniformity is necessary for their larger project: managing society as though it were a single factory and its people were widgets. You cannot package widgets eight to a box if they vary in size or shape.
The way it was explained to me in law school was that progressive policies sucked wind until their proponents found a way to make many of them uniform nationwide, typically via the Interstate Commerce Clause. That way, you didn't have to watch the people who objected to the new policy vote with their feet. Cuba and North Korea operate on that principle as well.  It is a large part of the appeal of global fair trade initiatives as well.


  1. I have noticed that opposition to the 10th Amendment is surprisingly reliable. I always assumed it was because they'd won, so why should they wish to concede anything? But perhaps it's a deeper issue with the philosophy: they need to have universality or people will just move away from their compulsions.

  2. Ymar Sakar9:53 AM

    But perhaps it's a deeper issue with the philosophy: they need to have universality or people will just move away from their compulsions.

    I usually avoid underestimating the Leftist alliance. They have a century long plan, while inferior to God's 1 day = 1000 year plan, is still substantially better than most humans have for politics and Transforming humanity.

    The Leftists are enemies of humanity, just like Islam, for a good reason. A good number of reasons.

    An Iron Wall or two, isn't beyond their strategic capabilities.
