You Can't Make This Stuff Up

Seriously, no commentary. Just roll the tape.
Aspiring United States Air Force pilots can skip the fitness test if they are transgender and in the process of transitioning, according to new protocol determined by military officials and made public last week.

Transgender pilots who are in the middle of hormone treatment won’t have to retake the exam, which includes pull-ups, pushups, and running, if they have already failed it — so long as the Air Force commander sees that the individual “tried to the best of their ability” to meet the standards associated with their preferred gender.


  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Any excuse to degrade military fitness.


  2. Anonymous12:10 PM

    War on the Military because they are not Friends of Bill. "Deplorables", all of em.

    Democratic Rule Book:
    Attack any and all aspects of traditional morality, because if you want to replace it, you have to destroy it first.

    - How is you moral conscious today?
    - Is your Moral Conscience well formed?
    - Have you exercised it?
    - Tell me about the Moral Conscience of the US military compared to your own?

  3. The moral conscience is an individual function, not a corporate one, although the religious orders are supposed to exercise an encouraging and teaching function in this regard. So I can't say much about the "Moral Conscience of the US military," only about particular members of the military.

    At the moment, I'm pretty disappointed in the officer corps, though. Particularly at the higher end.

  4. Ymar Sakar1:40 PM

    I did say the Leftist hierarchy had decided on purging the US military... what else is new.

    These days the French foreign Legion and the Canadian mil boys, have higher standards than the US. Which is... ironic to say the least.

  5. raven2:12 PM

    They either have turn the military, or degrade it, or both. It cannot have the morals and strength to oppose the intended goals of the left.

  6. Junior Lt Putinov and KJ Shao Wei Xinping are smiling enthusiastically and running for their aircraft.

    Eric Hines

  7. so long as the Air Force commander sees that the individual “tried to the best of their ability” to meet the standards associated with their preferred gender.

    What if there are no standards for their preferred gender? I mean, it's not just male or female anymore, right? We're making this up as we go along.
