There's Something You Don't Hear Everyday

"Everything conservatives predicted about Obamacare is coming true."
Well, and it has been for a while now. But you don't usually hear that admitted. Obama said we could keep our doctors and our plans if we liked them. That was not true. Obama said it would bring down costs thousands of dollars per family. Not only was that not true, costs are up substantially.

We also said it would destroy the health insurance industry and leave us subject to a government takeover -- a takeover that would be used to ram Nanny State social agendas down our throats. No smoking! No drinking! No motorcycle-riding! No gun ownership! All those things are too dangerous, and raise your prospective cost to the system too much. And since we are all paying for your health care now, we "all" have a right to demand that you live exactly as we prescribe that you should.


  1. Yeah, I really want to shove this in some people's faces that I know, but it wouldn't do any good. Teaching pigs to sing and all that.

  2. NRO article on the fact that the one (sorta) good thing is that the ACA has had a smaller footprint than expected by either side. This keeps the inevitable collapse just as likely, but smaller. It also makes reversing it less complicated, though still miserable.

  3. the ACA has had a smaller footprint than expected

    Depending on what kind of "footprint", that's not necessarily a good thing. The lion's share of the consequences has come down on self-employed people, and while that's good (or less bad) for people who get insurance through employers or who are on the dole, it also means there's a lot less pressure to put an end to it or provide some kind of relief to the victims, since they're a relatively small minority of the population.

  4. That's a good point. Self-employed people are among the categories that the gov't is only too happy to screw (along with temporary workers, part time employees, and so forth). It's like we're the "usual suspects," to be rounded up and slapped with another fee for existing every time the government gets together to do something.
