The Al Smith Dinner

It was McCain's best moment in 2008. Of course, he lost.

Well, here's what we saw tonight.


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Quite a speech.

    He did a good job of ripping her apart.... ....Rght to her face...... Honesty.....

    He is right, She absolutely hates Catholics.

    and HRC was indeed the Lizard Queen through the whole speech,
    watch her face as Trump pounds her relentlessly.

    At this point I have feelings close to bloodlust so I'm pleased with what he did.

    If Trump did not exist, we would invent him.

    - Mississippi

    on a side, read Vox Days take, he gets it.

  2. Wow. Hillary was sitting next to a Cardinal. Shouldn't she have burst into flames?

  3. The delivery was great. He went straight-faced through some hilarious lines, which made them all the better.

  4. Anonymous10:02 PM

    This video made me hideously uncomfortable. I am not fond of roasts, and I have attended more than one that just made me want to squirm in sympathy, in this case for Hillary. I felt bad for her, criminal or not, and it did not make any difference that she threw a few nasty lines at him at the same event, too. (She got some boos for her remarks, too.) I did not watch that portion of the event.

    Of course, as far as the audience was concerned, DJT's big sin was naming the heads of the news agencies as supporters of a candidate in an election, and referring to Wikileaks. CNN has been cutting off people who mention that topic.

    My problem is, there is no way to use ordinary, clear english language to describe what Hillary has done, without sounding offensive. I have seen the Project Veritas videos, and the avalanche of evidence dug up by citizen journalists. There is no accurate way to convey the information available, without giving insult.

