Some Non-Presidential Polls

Not all of the propaganda works all of the time. Two polls show that the American people have rejected two of the Left's beloved causes, gun control and BLM.

Note that the spike in people reporting "a great deal of respect for police" is highest among... liberals (+21) and Millennials (+19). But it's greater among non-white Americans (+14) than among whites (+11, although there's not much ceiling left there).

I still think that BLM had some valid complaints, although it was clear from the beginning that their chosen method of protest was certain to fail. You can't improve relations between a given community and the police by driving that community into lawbreaking confrontations that force the police to arrest them. It's unsurprising that things have turned out this way, except that it's surprising to see the swing so strong in exactly the demographics BLM targeted for its efforts.


  1. I still think that BLM had some valid complaints

    Hard to tell, given BLM's blatant racism and assaults on free speech, coupled with their preference for their racism and those assaults over "valid points."

    The points themselves may have been valid, but those always have been; for BLM they were just tools for their spew. Although BLM did have the useful side effect of exposing Martin O'Malley's abject cowardice and Bernie Sanders' utter feebleness.

    Eric Hines

  2. Ymar Sakar10:10 PM

    That's sort of like saying AQ had valid points, which is why they kept blowing up Muslims, Americans, and kids.

    It doesn't really mean anything, since anybody can have a valid point in their complaints. Humans being humans, and war being war.

    The US had valid points. The Sunni tribes had valid points. The Shia had valid points. Who doesn't have a valid point in their complaints.

  3. Al Qaeda's valid point -- there's really only one -- is that Western culture tends toward the materialistic and, consequently, rides the sexual all the way down to rendering of sex as merely material, meat without spirit, flesh without love.

    Now that's not a small point. It doesn't in any way justify their actions. But we can pause to regret that the point was lost, for it was something that really mattered.

  4. Ymar Sakar9:22 PM

    But we can pause to regret that the point was lost, for it was something that really mattered.

    The Mormons and other Christian lineages in America already addresses that point. The world or the US doesn't need Islam to fix the problem, and Islam's view of American culture is skewed by their over sampling of Hollywood sex videos and other entertainment. Which is due to Islamic demand and immorality, not merely Western sexual marketing.

    If organizations like BLM were the only terrorists Fighting for the Cause, yea I might pause for a few seconds and regret that they didn't hammer a nail in the Left's police union evil. But they fulfilled their mission irregardless. If they win, the Black Panthers and gangs will benefit. If they lose, then their allies, police unions and Demoncrat mayors will benefit. Either way, they still gain credit for their cause, and the money from shaking down the city isn't that low either.

    Fortunately, there are far better organizations Fighting for the Cause, and they're not stalking horses or trap catch 22s like BLMatter.

    Besides, Black LM terrorist orgs and assassination squads weren't going to protect white biker riders at Waco 2, irregardless of what happens. The police unions execute a lot more white people, than they do blacks, when adjusting for justice levels.

    is that Western culture tends toward the materialistic and, consequently, rides the sexual all the way down to rendering of sex as merely material, meat without spirit, flesh without love.

    Which is why Islam rewards jihad with sex slaves and why Bo in Africa, captures sex slaves and sells them, and why ISIL has sex slave camps for their commanders. Islam is the last organization in the world, that should complain about reduction of sex and love. But their complaints are not the same as yours, Grim. It looks the same, just as BLM looks like a brand of anti tyranny, but it's a deception, a con. A way to manipulate human hearts to get power. It works, most of the time. Against people like me that have seen through human manipulation in many ways, it doesn't work nearly as well. Anyone that can separate themselves from their emotions or control/kill their emotions, would not be immune, but they would be highly resistant to manipulation. Viruses corrupt OSes because they are allowed to run with administrator privileges and change things. I run ideological orgs like AQ, ISIL, or BLM through a virtual OS box. They aren't manipulating real emotions, but simulated ones layers deep. My real OS and mental emotions and self is checking what's going on inside the box, without being affected. If system integrity is compromised, then a physical backup has to be restored from an off site. That requires killing the virtual box and the OS running the virtual box, which includes all emotions, conclusions, and concepts formed from that time slice, but contamination must be purged at all costs before the will is free.

    Human viral memes and ideological conversion functions in a similar fashion.
