Is It Possible To Rig The Vote?

In opposition to the proposition, this article explaining the controls.

In support of the proposition, this video of a man explaining exactly how he does it, and pondering a scheme to do it harder than ever before.


  1. Just over-joyed to note that the segment was filmed in Milwaukee, run by a (D) machine for 40 years--and the local D.A. is notorious and infamous for his PERsecution of Conservatives in Wisconsin.

  2. Eric Blair10:16 PM

    OF COURSE IT IS POSSIBLE TO RIG THE VOTE. And it gets done a lot. There were precincts in Philadelphia during the 2012 election that were announcing 99% turnouts and 100% vote for Obama. The 99% turnout is just garbage, because no voter rolls in the US are up to date, and there's always a contrary ahole who's going to vote the other way, if just to satisfy the imp of the perverse.

    So again, yeah.

  3. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Grim, Yes it is possible. Example... Meet NYC’s Democrat Commissioner of the Board of Elections, Mr Alan Schulkin


  4. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Of course in NYC if you criticize the mayor you must be RACIST of course...... because, well just BECAUSE RACIST!!!!

    .............“The allegations made by Mr. Schulkin are baseless and inaccurate, not to mention racist. New Yorkers deserve public officials who are committed to defending democracy, not undermining it,” said de Blasio spokesman Austin Finan. “Mr. Schulkin has proven himself unfit for his job. He should step down.”.................


  5. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Interesting. Robert Creamer visited the White house so much...

    Why Did Vote-Rigging Robert Creamer Visit The White House Over 200 Times During The Obama Admin

  6. Ymar Sakar6:52 PM

    Project Veritas.
