Corruption in Matters of Life and Death

In the wake of an earthquake in Haiti, where poverty means that such natural disasters are systematically worse in their human toll than elsewhere, the Clinton State Department's first concern was who was a Friend of Bill.


  1. Anonymous10:46 PM

    You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. Rahm Emanuel

    FOB? We are Enemies to the Clinton Machine. We are Enemies on the way to being nothing when she is done with us.

    "I know she has begun to hate everyday americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for President because you and Everyday Americans need a champion." - Podesta

    Tell me Grim why will the country vote for someone who hates them as much HRC hates us "Everyday Americans"?


  2. I think that particular quote is not as damning as some others -- he is pretty clearly saying, in context, that she should use the phrase "everyday Americans" even though she hates it. Why? Because they had used it in their opening, and if they then abandon it without ever using it again, it'd generate a media story that they'd had a false start.

    No, the damning story out of this leak is this one.

  3. Anonymous11:58 AM


    You are absolutely right, and that story about her private admission that they cannot vet Syrians is not showing up in my local paper, which sources its national news from the Washington Post, New York Times, and Associated Press.

    Also not making it into the paper is the Goldman Sacks speech where she says she has different public and private positions.

    I am beginning to wonder if Hillary Clinton has finally become the Leona Helmsley of the Democratic Party. These leaks, of course, are damning, but I would not be at all surprised to find the ultimate source of them (which might be just a tip as to a password) is someone on the inside, who got a bad case of Too Much Information.


  4. Anonymous12:35 PM

    This is another damning story. Especially "conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry."

    This e-mail from Bill Ivey to John Podesta in March this year

    .........Well, we all thought the big problem for our US democracy was Citizens United/Koch Brothers big money in politics. Silly us; turns out that money isn't all that important if you can conflate entertainment with the electoral process. Trump masters TV, TV so-called news picks up and repeats and repeats to death this opinionated blowhard and his hair brained ideas, free-floating discontent attaches to a seeming strongman and we're off and running. JFK, Jr would be delighted by all this as his "George" magazine saw celebrity politics coming. The magazine struggled as it was ahead of its time but now looks prescient. George, of course, played the development pretty lightly, basically for charm and gossip, like People, but what we are dealing with now is dead serious. How does this get handled in the general? Secretary Clinton is not an entertainer, and not a celebrity in the Trump, Kardashian mold; what can she do to offset this? I'm certain the poll-directed insiders are sure things will default to policy as soon as the conventions are over, but I think not. And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.........


    They work to Dumb us down......That is what Common Core is all about.


  5. Anonymous12:41 PM


    Oh, that last post came from Peter.
    ht Bayour Renaissance Man

