Bitter Fury, October Edition

I find myself very angry right now, perhaps because I am still working through grief. But perhaps it is also because of stories like these, which are daily events now:

Donald Trump: Military suicides happen to servicemembers who 'can't handle it'

FBI Allowed 2 Hillary Aides To "Destroy" Their Laptops In Newly Exposed "Side Agreements"

Unfortunately, I can't just walk away. None of us can.


  1. raven4:52 PM

    I feel the same way, in general. Good time to sharpen axes.

    The Trump speech was, of course, immediately twisted by the press. There is no statement they cannot twist the semantics on 180 degrees. (the calculated version of "it is impossible to speak in such a way as to not be misunderstood")

    They (CNN) deliberately misconstrued it as "the vet's aren't tough enough, they just can't handle it"

    What Trump apparently said was more like, "these guys have seen and experienced things that are so horrible we can't even imagine it, and is it any wonder some of them come home and can't readjust (handle) it."

    Given the VA's scandalous record, and the record of the current administration, some less than elegant speaking by Trump is by comparison a minor affair, especially as interpreted by his sworn enemies the MSM. Trump could say he likes chicken soup and those bastards would be parading around "Trump murders defenseless peacocks".

    This is no defense of him BTW- the guy could be a total ass- but that assessment is going to have to come from outside the MSM for me, because my trust in them is zero. They have corrupted their integrity, which is unfortunate, because it was their only currency.

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    How often - will it be for always - how often will the vast emptiness astonish me like a complete novelty and make me say, " I never realized my loss till this moment"

    The same leg is cut off time after time. The first plunge the knife into the flash is spelled again and again.

    They say "The Coward dies many times;" so does the beloved. Didn't the eagle find a fresh liver to tear in Promethius every time it dined?

    -From "A Greif Observed by C.S. Lewis pg 67

  3. They (CNN) deliberately misconstrued it as "the vet's aren't tough enough, they just can't handle it"

    The Marine (?) vet who asked the question of Trump is expressing his disgust that the press has so distorted what Trump actually said. The vet was satisfied with Trump's answer.

    Eric Hines

  4. Ymar Sakar9:23 PM

    Back in 2012, Americans already figured out what was going so, so some of they just up and left the country.

    Although if what I have seen is true, that might not be much of a salvation given World War 3.

  5. Ymar Sakar9:26 PM

    This is no defense of him BTW- the guy could be a total ass- but that assessment is going to have to come from outside the MSM for me, because my trust in them is zero. They have corrupted their integrity, which is unfortunate, because it was their only currency.

    Most of Trum's real personality can be seen on twitter summaries and his personal feuds with Fox News reporters and other people who he can't steamroll.

    Reading the news from the MainSewerM is so 2008. It was necessary for those who wanted to keep Bush II's iraq liberation campaign from imploding, because reading what the enemy, the media, was reporting was necessary to form counter reports. These days, not so much, they have become so predictable.

  6. Ymar Sakar9:28 PM

    Then again, people should realize that Hussein Obola's approval rating is higher than Bush II's rating during the successful Petraeus led counter insurgency push.

    They should also realize that humans like self deception. They like being told what to do, what to think, and the MSM is their savior in this sense, while Hussein is their messiah.

    The Left doesn't even need their 3+ million fake votes, since they have the propaganda arm known as America's media on their side. Fat lot of good the "free press" did for America, since all the press you have, the only free ones are online.

  7. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Here's the question, and the full answer.

    Full Speech.


  8. Anonymous11:09 PM

    And here is what the guy who asked the question had to say:

    But Staff Sgt. Robichaux didn’t take Mr. Trump’s remarks as insulting — quite the contrary.

    “I think it’s sickening that anyone would twist Mr. Trump’s comments to me in order to pursue a political agenda,” the staff sergeant said. “I took his comments to be thoughtful and understanding of the struggles many veterans have, and I believe he is committed to helping them.”

    Mr. Robichaux said Mr. Trump’s comments at the forum were taken out of context.

    “I interpreted his answer to affirm that the system is broken and he would take the necessary steps to address it,” Mr. Robichaux said.

    “After eight combat tours in Afghanistan I came home and was diagnosed with PTSD, and I struggled with it,” he said. “Since my own recovery I’ve been privileged to help 1,100 veterans who have graduated from our program; none of whom have committed suicide since graduating. It’s a very important issue to me, which is why I was thankful for the opportunity to ask Mr. Trump about it directly.”

