Back from Boston

So, did I miss anything?


  1. Well, Ray Stevens kinda took over the blog for a while. How was the trip?

  2. Rain on Thursday, Friday and early Sunday, beautiful on Saturday. Sometime Sunday I got west of the rain, which was clustered on the coast, and from there it was clear and beautiful weather. Remnants of Matthew, I suppose.

    Boston's a neat town. Lots of history there. I hadn't been since I went up to escape the Atlanta Olympics in 1996. I should go back soon -- and to take AVI's advice to push out into the countryside up there. I haven't done any of the Appalachian Trail that far north, and I have a friend who has moved up to the area with whom I've hiked most of the Southern sections.

  3. Ymar Sakar12:27 PM

    Atlanta's still here. It hasn't burned down yet, and gas is back, although up in price. Saudis must still love trying to dunk fracking in the USA.

  4. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Appalachian Trail?

    Do you hike alone, or hike with someone else typically?

    How much does your pack weigh with five day of food and a full load of the days h20? (Mine is at 27 pounds)

    I have hiked Harpers Ferry south to Damascus, missing the Pearisburg to Grayson highlands state park section.

    Its one of my goals to finish the AT one day as a section hiker. Which sections remain for you to complete?

    - Mississippi

  5. My 5 day pack is ~33 pounds, Mississippi, but I bought a lighter tent after the last 50 miler. Haven't weighed in with it yet.

    The problem with doing hikes on the AT in chunks of a few days is that, just about the time your body has adjusted to the constant up-and-downs and you're really starting to have fun, it's over. I understand from through hikers that it takes about 10 days to really get your body adjusted to the rigors, and then it's very relaxing.

    I've hiked the trail in Georgia, the Great Smoky Mountains, parts of North Carolina and much of Virginia. Many parts I've hiked over and over (especially the Georgia and Shenandoah Valley parts, as they were close enough for day hikes or weekend hikes from places I've lived). I've hiked as far north as Harper's Ferry, but no farther.

  6. Anonymous6:05 PM


    Can you ever get away for a month at a time? or two, or three?

    At home we try to walk at least 3.5 mi every day. That keeps you conditioned and is easy to do,
    then we get our hikers legs after about 3 days, even on the Appalachian trail.

    After a month it is amazing how much weight you can lose.....

    Have you had any run in with Bears? We have.

    It is a shame we can nor have some sort photo exchange..


  7. Sometimes I can get away for a week or two. A month is harder, and requires some pre-planning. I'm hoping to do a hike in Iceland this summer, and one in remote Alaska a year after that.

    Here are some pictures from last year, and see also the comments.

  8. Gringo9:29 PM

    October is an ideal month to visit anywhere. Not just New England.

  9. True, Gringo.

    I'm just getting into hiking out here in Euclid's Land -- it's a couple hours to the nearest things resembling hills.

    One day I'd like to hike the AT, though it may be just a large chunk of it rather than the whole thing.

    What kind of packs do you folks use? That's my next purchase, I think.

    Also, I'm always open for gear suggestions.

  10. People I know have been very happy with Osprey packs. I myself tend to use tactical packs because I'm used to them, but I think there's something to be said for a purpose-designed trekking pack.

  11. Ymar Sakar9:22 AM

    The funny thing about 3 day survival packs is that those trails seem to have stores next to them, to buy up the bulky normal priced goods that weigh a lot, for more expensive lighter weight equipment.

    I wonder how many hikers actually go with a heavier bag than 35/40/45, and then realize they can't go any further, so they just dump their equipment to these stores. Probably the beginners.

    Combining a survival pack with a bicycle would be pretty useful though given how most of America is roads. Only issue is going up hill is harder than walking.
