What Clinton told the FBI on Classification

Clinton thought the "C" 'that denoted classified information' had something to do with alphabetical order. (It actually denotes "confidential," not "classified," and specifies a specific level of classification.) How could you make such a mistake? Well, for one thing, the entire document was improperly marked, as were all of the documents in her email containing classified information. All such documents should, in addition to the paragraph markings that are abbreviated, be clearly marked with non-abbreviated classification marks in the header and footer. No document bearing such markings nor even eligible for such markings should ever have been transmitted on an unclassified system.

That is not a defense excusing her mistake (if it was a mistake, and not just a lie to cover her negligence). It is a separate set of offenses. State operated with astonishing laxity in handling these communications. She is responsible for that, as the head of the department in question.

The rest of her defenses, well:
“Clinton stated deliberation over a future drone strike did not give her cause for concern regarding classification,” the notes said.

"Clinton stated she believed no policy or practice existed related to communicating around holidays, and it was often necessary to communicate in code or do the best you can considering the email system you were using."

“Clinton could not give an example of how classification of a document was determined."

“Clinton did not recall receiving any emails she thought should not be on an unclassified system."
One wonders how much Tylenol the FBI agents had to consume during the course of this meeting. Just reading the notes is making my head hurt terribly.

UPDATE: Unexpectedly.


  1. How could you make such a mistake?

    Indeed, how could she? She'd been trained and had signed off on that training. She said in a Sunday talk show interview that she knew all about that stuff. These were no mistakes; they were deliberate acts.

    She is responsible for that, as the head of the department in question.

    As Secretary of State, she also was the ultimate classifying authority for State-originated documents. And in that capacity (erroneously used, since the document in question was not State-originated), All such documents should...be clearly marked with non-abbreviated classification marks in the header and footer, in at least one case she instructed one of her minions to strip the markings from the document so he could transmit the thing via nonsecure fax.

    It's also being reported on Fox News that in this latest FBI release, she's claiming "no memory of" training or instruction on much of this. Which if true, given the above, she no longer has the mental capacity to be President--she's already in early-stage Alzheimer's.

    Eric Hines

  2. Ymar Sakar6:22 PM

    Btw, for people looking for security online, try Virtual Private Networks to start with.

    I might write a review of what I use, but we'll see. From what I've heard, my contacts from TFT are also starting to use them, and various other sub communities online are making it more popular. Although I've heard of such years ago around 2012, the pricing seemed to have dropped more now that the consumer base is using it more.

    For all those people whose OPM got "leaked" and sold to the Chinese and then Iran/Russia... well, that's something that was recommended that they should use to counter that problem.

  3. Eric Blair10:13 PM

    I think this is going to sink her, unless the debate rigging is successful.

  4. Someone probably should point out that this isn't just about her SecState training sessions. (I remember hearing earlier that she had skipped her security briefings - which might actually be the explanation. I don't know, though.)

    But she also would have had the standard security briefings when she was elected to the Senate, back in 2000. Is she claiming she "forgot" those too? That is... quite a bit of memory damage for a concussion. Is she saying her level of organic brain damage is such that it deprived her of memories going back to 2000?

  5. I think this is going to sink her, unless the debate rigging is successful.

    No, the press is on her side, and the FBI already has indicated it won't seriously investigate her or recommend indictment, and the DoJ has already received its orders not to prosecute under any circumstance. The only thing that will sink her is an overt medical problem. Or a revolt of the voters.

    Eric Hines

  6. But she also would have had the standard security briefings when she was elected to the Senate....

    She also was on the Senate Armed Services Committee. She had lots of security briefings and security handling practice in that capacity.

    Eric Hines

  7. Well, say rather that she was supposed to have had a lot of briefings. It may be she's too important for those, just as she's too important for criminal law or honest journalism.

  8. Ymar Sakar8:51 AM

    Hussein didn't pay much attention to McChrystal. Demoncrats are good at starting up wars, not so good at winning them without a boat load of casualties.

    Democrats never talk about FDR's submarine torpedo issues, while they do like to talk about Bush's "no armor for troops" propaganda line they got fed by the Clinton girl.

  9. Of course had them. And sat through them. Every single one of them. She signed off on having had them.

    Legally, if not physically.

    If she can't remember any of those briefings and training sessions, that's consistent with early stage Alzheimer's.

    I'm not being entirely facetious, either (though I am, to a degree). My degree in exp psych gives me some framework within which to assess personally observed progression in three people of Alzheimer's, from complete sanity and no symptoms through to final release through death.

    Of course, I'd never diagnose someone from afar; that's what "journalists" do.

    Eric Hines
