Tomorrow's Debate

The Legendary Joe Bob Briggs will be live-"tweeting" the whole thing. I'm planning to read his summary rather than watching it myself. Given that the word of neither of these clowns can bear a feather's weight of trust, the words that they say will not matter one tiny little bit. Their words are empty and hollow.

The only thing that does matter is the spectacle, and how it sways human hearts. Joe Bob Briggs is a master at understanding this kind of blood-and-gore, low-budget, badly-acted, unbelievable farce. He's made his career out of performances like this. No one could be a better guide.


  1. One part of the spectacle is the special podium Hillary Clinton is permitted: she gets a step stool, ostensibly to offset Trump's much taller height.

    That excuse is, of course, BS: the height advantage could have been suitably offset (to the extent it could be at all, ethically) with a raised platform behind the podium. The stool is a naked attempt to protect her from having to stand for 90 minutes, like her older opponent must.

    Eric Hines

  2. Guess there's no stool after all.

    Eric Hines

  3. Briggs gives it to Trump, but only by 2 rounds.
