Silence, Peasants!

For the second time in a week, the Washington Post explains to its comrades in journalism that a damaging story about Hillary Clinton must just stop. This time, it's the full editorial board.

Chris Cillizza has a follow up to his earlier piece about how questions about her health should be off limits, one written after it was pointed out that he had made McCain's health an issue in 2008.

People need to stop talking and writing and thinking about these stories. It's imperiling the coronation of our rightful leader.


  1. WaPo even is touting a too young to be has-been, but has-been nonetheless, quarterback as one of their political experts.

    And: a minor email scandal

    Because national security is a minor matter.

    Goodness gracious. (Or something like that.)

    Eric Hines

  2. As far as "security" goes...

    At least one intern, of dozens, in the (first?) Clinton administration was rapidly and unexpectedly hired/transferred from an unpaid volunteer mostly-decorative job as Leon Pannetta's "go-fer" in July of 1995, to a paid position in the White House "Office of Legislative Affairs" that December, into a GS-9 slot at the Pentagon in April of 1996. (For reasons that we needn't go into here.) One source describes the Pentagon slot: "[the former intern's] title at the Pentagon was confidential assistant to the assistant secretary for public affairs. Her job was writing press releases, for which she was paid $33,000." [per year]

    I really really wonder what sort of security background check was done on the intern, on what dates her reported "Top Secret" security clearance was awarded, how much training was done, what sorts of documentation was provided to the public affairs office to be excerpted, sanitized, or otherwise redacted for press release, and whether or not others in comparable slots had comparable clearance.

  3. Anonymous11:35 AM

    more health related news

    1. Hillary Clinton Abruptly Leaves 9/11 Memorial Ceremony Early, Reports Say She Fainted on Way to Van

    2. Hillary Clinton has 'medical episode' at 9/11 ceremony

    ........Later, Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill issued a statement saying, in part: "During the ceremony, she felt overheated so departed to go to her daughter's apartment, and is feeling much better.............

    3. CLINTON 'COLLAPSE' Hillary Clinton rushed away from 9/11 ceremony due to ‘medical episode’
    ......The presidential candidate was rushed to her daughter's home after feeling overheated during...
    ( See Video)

    - Mississippi

  4. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Grim , its very interesting to read comments at some are some of the better one......

    1. So what happens if she's unable to continue? Does Tim Kaine take the top slot? Do the Dems just get to pick someone out of their crowd of misfit toys?

    2. At this point, I'd prefer Hillary v. Trump. She's so incredibly bad & there's no one worse they could choose, unless they disinter Ted Kennedy.

    3. Time is getting tight if the Democratic party wants to replace her. I think that in some states it is too late to change the Presidential ballot without some creative lawyering.

    4. Debates: Don't be surprised if the format of the debates isn't changed to something that allows the candidates to sit.

    5. Look how completely selfish she is. She knows if she collapses her party is screwed, but she doesn't give a damn. The country, the party, her supporters, everything is secondary to hive queen

    6. and I was so hoping for Hillary for Prison 2016......

    7. Overheated? at 80 degrees? ??? weather can not get much better than 80 degrees F

    8. The Secretary of State can't negotiate a curb.

    Let's face it, Hillary doesn't really matter in her own self. Sure there's some Clinton-specific crap but she's so sick she's obviously not going to be running the show. The reality is that no matter which candidate Trump ultimately has to run against in November, it won't make a lick of difference to the globalist platform: ban guns, displace whites, impoverish whites with more taxes that pay for more nonwhites, more dagos, more durkhas, more degeneracy.

    & Finally, Here is the Twitter Video HRC stumbling on the curb, losing her shoe and almost falling getting in a black van.

    I suppose I should feel some concern for a fellow human being...
    Nope, can't do it.


  5. "Dagos"? I don't think I've heard anyone use that particular slur since like the Godfather movies. Are we facing a flood of well-dressed Italian gangsters that I've somehow missed?

    80 degrees is unlikely weather for heat injury, especially if you're just standing around. I was hiking in the mountains in high-humidity 90+ degree weather yesterday, and as long as you drink plenty of water and cover your head against the sun you're usually OK.

    Still, FWIW, the Marine Corps starts its heat condition flag warning system at precisely 80 degrees. That's green flag weather, where "heavy exercises, for unacclimatized personnel, will be conducted with caution and under constant supervision."

    However, there's no limit on "easy work" with regular rest periods. Standing is normally considered pretty easy.


  7. Anonymous1:04 PM

    right now the humidity is a 39% in NYC

    People tend to feel most comfortable at a relative humidity of about 45 percent.

    Her episode was several hours ago now....

    Can't get much better than that

    - Mississippi

  8. Yeah, we are being lied to as usual.

  9. Anonymous3:09 PM

    In the UK they are not repressing the news.....
