Saturday Night Music

Since we're doing it, try this.

Pair with a bitter -- I like Foster's Oil Can ESB.


This one's from 1981, the tail end of the big wave of Outlaw Country. It's an instrumental piece, but it hits the right notes. Pair it with an American whiskey.


How about the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club? You can stand to that good American whiskey for this one too. Good luck in the morning, though.


This one's for getting sober again, after all the things you did wrong. Somehow you have to get over being lonesome, onery, and mean. I don't know how it works, but some of these old hands might guide you better than I can. I stay pretty ornery, and pretty mean. I have moments when I don't feel very lonely. You pick good people to bring in close, if you want that.

And if you're going to do Waylon Jennings, do this one too:

Cause after all, that was the point at which he started trying to think about 'leaving well enough alone.'


  1. I like it. Foster's is perfect for it.

  2. I really like that Black Rebel MC. I'd suggest Lead Slingers, but Tin Cup has a rye bite to it that fits. I dunno. Buffalo Trace would also work.

  3. And a cigar. My Fathers would be a good line for this; old fashioned torpedoes.

  4. Good music at their website, as well:

  5. Nothing wrong with closing the night out with Waylon and hydration. Good stuff.
