Problem Solved

DB: "Marine Corps exceeds gender quota by ordering men to identify as female."

The only problem is now they have to give those 'guys' four and a half months off for maternity leave.


  1. The only problem is now they have to....

    That's not a problem. The purpose of the military is social engineering, not destroying our enemies. Four and a half months off plainly is further to that end.

    Or at least so our Know Betters insist.

    Eric Hines

  2. I've thought for a long time now that all our problems could be solved if every American identified as an African American female lesbian.

    Voila! Perfect diversity.

  3. Yep, in todays crazy world, it strikes me as a rather eloquent solution to the problem.

  4. I think your scarequotes around "guys" are a hate crime. Denounce yourself.

  5. I'm a terrible person, who ought to atone by imbibing poison. Mild poison, in small quantities. Beer, perhaps.
