Of Course She Did

Preparation is easy when you get the test questions a week in advance.

Is anybody surprised by this?

UPDATE: Ironically, an article on how dangerous it would be if the American people came to believe the election was rigged.


  1. Not that Clinton or the media is above this sort of thing, but why would NBC send an intern—who might be tailed or recognized—instead of emailing (no laughs, now) or faxing, which is much easier to hide?

    I'm happier about this sort of story when the "sources" have names, too.

  2. ...instead of emailing (no laughs, now)...

    *cough* *snicker* *cough!*

    Ahem. That's a... um... good... ah, question.

    Perhaps the constant hacking of their email and their phones has driven them to see personal couriers as the only really secure mode of communication.

    If so: Oops.

  3. raven3:54 PM

    "Perhaps the constant hacking of their email and their phones has driven them to see personal couriers as the only really secure mode of communication. "

    They probably got instruction from ISIS on opsec.

  4. "If only we had couriers like the Haqqani Network..."

  5. Ironically, too, the Baltimore Gazette is experiencing difficulties, and I'm unable to access their About page to begin to get an assessment of them.

    Eric Hines

  6. It has the name of a very old newspaper, though I don't know if it's the same outlet you see in 19th century records.

  7. Snopes says it's fake, for whatever credibility they still have left after all their shenanigans.

    The funny thing is that it's a plausible fake story, if it's fake; Snopes stating it was fake is just what would be the case if it were true. The media going all in for her makes it impossible to trust our main source of information on what the facts are, beyond what we can see directly with our own eyes.

  8. All the Left side is saying it's fake, but I'm unable to find any credible source for any sort of assessment.

    Eric Hines

  9. I'd say it's more likely that the process went the other way, in effect if not in actual fact.

    Hillary's camp knows what oppo research, talking points, and disinformation they are peddling to the MSM, and can be pretty confident that the same will be parroted back to them in the form of questions.

  10. Ever since she collapsed on 9/11 -- and the response was to rush her not to an emergency room but to a secret place to prevent any leaks about her condition -- I find it difficult not to accept as plausible any story about her attempts to manipulate public impressions of her fitness for office. This story may or may not be true, but it is certainly plausible; and as you say, if it didn't happen this way, it probably happened some way.

  11. Ymar Sakar10:03 PM

    They should have used a dead drop. Or an encrypted mail...

    For versatility and flexibility, they can do it this way. Get a public dropbox account, encrypt some stuff to it, and have the login and password information transfered from the person who created and uploaded the files, directly to a dead drop via any number of methods.

    The key to the encrypted keys, are kept at another dead drop. Only the person that is given access to both dead drop locations can put together the files.
