A New Rallying Point for the Nation: End Geese

Rich Cromwell over at the Federalist claims that "Geese are the worst animals on the planet and we should end them." Here's a taste of the rest:

Winged Sky Trash

Geese, [compared with venomous snakes who serve a purpose], are actually horrible and deserving of hatred and scorn. They’re big, nasty beasts. They serve no purpose, they’re disgusting, and they definitely do not prefer to leave you alone. You don’t even have to pick them up or accidentally step on them to experience their wrath. Yet some people inexplicably like them.

Can a new War on Geese unite Americans?


  1. I mean, they're pretty tasty.

  2. Alas, it would probably be easier to unite Americans around a genocidal war to end the goose menace (For the Children!) than to unite them around goose hunting (OMG -- GUNS!!! I am sooooo triggered!).

  3. Well, let's do the mosquitoes first. Geese at least have a dietary use. And some people juggle them.

  4. That seems sensible. I suspect the author was completely unaware of the juggling value of geese.

  5. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Put the goose in the smoker.
    They are really quite good that way.

    ...and lets not forget feather pillows...


    ...and Potatoes Roasted in Goose Fat! Yum!

    .... and finally Pork and onion pies with goose-fat pastry

  6. Hear! Hear!

    Let me add that they're positively a menace to air traffic. They never file flight plans, they never use their transponders, and they never talk to air traffic control. Frankly, I don't understand why the FAA lets them fly at all.

  7. Indeed! They probably have lobbyists ...

  8. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I'm in. Flew right-seat into Winnipeg one October and the captain just about jumped out of the cockpit when the flares from the goose cannon went off beside the plane. Yes, they fire the goose cannon to shoo the geese out of the landing path. He'd ignored that part of the briefing.


  9. A friend of mine used to do bird abatement at major airports (including military ones). He used hawks.
