Why Beauty Matters

An hour with philosopher Sir Roger Scruton

Shamelessly stolen from Maggie's Farm.

Update: I don't remember running across him before, but from the Wikipedia entry about him and his website, he would appear to be one of Britain's foremost Conservative philosophers. During the Cold War, he helped establish "underground universities and academic networks" behind the Iron Curtain.


  1. Scruton is well worth listening to here and elsewhere. You'll find him mentioned occasionally in the archives here.

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed this video, and I liked a 14-minute piece he did for BBC on the Brexit as well. I think I'll be scrolling through his videos again soon.

  3. Scruton gets it. What he doesn't mention is the even-more-debilitating omnipresence of "middish" stuff: not ugly, but not beautiful. That's become "high art" in the minds of many, which is a shame.

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    10 days later I'm still thinking of this video...........

    Yes I'm old fashioned.
    Religion and beauty matter, knowledge past down age to age....

    Plato: Beauty was a path to God.

    Good post Thomas


  5. I'm glad you liked it. It is thought-provoking.
