
Here's an interesting GoFundMe page.
We want to build a monastery with facilities for training templars in the Word of God and in the meaning of bring a true templar, that they may become Lambs in the church and Lions in the field, and also to train them in other skills of self-preservation as the earlier Templars were trained also to learn to battle in spirit. Once the land is ours we will begin looking into the cost of building. In the first phase we may use just tents for the housing of monks and staff. We ask not just for financial support but your prayers as well.

Help spread the word!
There aren't a lot more details, so I don't even know for sure what denomination they are from -- or if they're very concerned about the question.


  1. So, where's their enlistment page?

  2. You know everything I do about them, which isn't enough to make a good decision on enlistment. :) But it's interesting to me to see people's minds turning in that direction again. Military orders were a huge thing in Spain during the early phase of the Reconquest.

  3. Ymar Sakar2:15 PM

    What has this world come to. It's like a fictional version of pre Fallout Apocalypse days, except people aren't writing a fictional book.

  4. Ymar Sakar2:17 PM

    Also, I saw something like this would happen in the future back when people brought up Historical European Martial Arts, HEMA, and I witnessed their training methods first hand on youtube and online sources.

    That is already a cadre that is hard to seize, control, or destroy, before they get their disciples out. I always play the war simulations from both sides, usually.

  5. Ymar Sakar2:20 PM

    Personally, I like the Knights Hospitalers more, but it makes sense for a defensive setup to be initiated first. The KH won't have the power to safeguard pilgrims in the ME or Turkey. It would take private military and that gets into political issues all the time.

    By using crowd source, they can perhaps evade a lot of the feudal and political disagreements that came to plague the Knights Templars. Although it was actually the Pope that decided to get rid of the KTs, and the nobles were just following along because the KTs had a lot of castles for some reason...

  6. Eric Blair9:42 PM

