Just Another Russian Information Operation

Wikileaks is now claiming that their source for those DNC emails wasn't Russian hackers, but the recently murdered DNC employee killed in DC.

Well, it might be true.

The thing to remember is, where the Russians are concerned -- and Wikileaks is very much Russian intelligence -- even if it's true, they're telling you for a reason.


  1. I don't know if people are following this, but a signature feature of the news is that anything critical of clinton seems to originate in the foreign press, in particular "the daily mail". In fact, any news critical of the Obama administration seems to originate overseas, almost as if the US media was a wholly owned subsidiary of the democrat party. Imagine that.

  2. You have to watch stories out of the British press, too, because it is a well-known workaround for American agencies to plant stories there. The law forbids them from using information operations or PSYOP against the American people, but if they plant a story in the British press and then the American press picks up on it... well, whose fault is that?

    Once you begin to realize how much the various player governments are trying to control the news, the news reports begin to look more like a chessboard than like traditional journalism. Who's making the moves here? What is their strategy in forwarding this story? Who is the real target audience?

    And, of course, there's the separate but not inconsequential question: is any of this true?

  3. raven3:23 PM

    " The law forbids them from using information operations or PSYOP against the American people, "

    Grim, I seem to recall within the last couple of years the law against using our media for official propaganda efforts was rescinded. Maybe some one reading this can cast some illumination.

  4. That would be a change. At least in American military doctrine, at least as recently as 2011 America doesn't have any official propaganda efforts. Propaganda is officially defined as "enemy efforts to..." etc.

    We do, of course, participate in all the things that would be propaganda if an enemy did them. :) Information Operations, PSYOP, Strategic Communication, Key Leader Engagement, Public Diplomacy, the list goes on and on. But none of it is propaganda, by definition!

  5. Ymar Sakar7:18 PM

    The law forbids them from using information operations or PSYOP against the American people,

    That was true under Bush, but not under the Leftist Regime, Google, Yahoo, NSA after 2008 though.

  6. Ymar Sakar7:20 PM

    Fast and Furious would be very similar to operations conducted to sniff out insurgents in Iraq, except that wasn't in Iraq.

    Casey confiscated and disarmed many Sunni tribes of their AKs, for example. Just before AQ moved into the Sunni Triangle. It was part of his Iraqi face strategy, where the State had a monopoly on violence.
