Give Me Money

Shamelessness is the new norm in Clinton's America.
The price of entry at several of the stops, such as Monday’s dinner at the Beverly Hills home of entertainment mogul Haim Saban, is $50,000 per person. On the Vineyard on Saturday, Clinton netted roughly $2 million at a single cocktail party, then darted off to a small dinner event at a billionaire’s home that generated another $1 million.

By midweek, the Clinton war chest had grown by many millions more, as Clinton hopscotched on a three-day California swing from Johnson’s house to the Saban affair and then to the home of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, where Jennifer Aniston, Jamie Foxx and Tobey Maguire also showed up. Then it was off to the Bay Area for multiple events, including one hosted by Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook.
Just remember, if you're a foreigner who wants to buy influence, the deadline is Inauguration day. After that, there will be a timeout while we figure a work-around for you to continue to give money.

1 comment:

  1. Ymar Sakar1:25 PM

    And that's why Hollywood gets so rich without taxes. It's a money laundering scheme that helps funnel the money paid for decadence, to the lords of decadence, the politicians.

    Now if they had taxed it, they wouldn't get as much, so even the Left knows how economies work. They are not "ignorant", as people would like to think.
