Dark Ages Palace Discovered in Cornwall

Some Arthurian news of more interest:
Archaeologists have discovered the impressive remains of a probable Dark Age royal palace at Tintagel in Cornwall. It is likely that the one-metre thick walls being unearthed are those of the main residence of the 6th century rulers of an ancient south-west British kingdom, known as Dumnonia.

Scholars have long argued about whether King Arthur actually existed or whether he was in reality a legendary character formed through the conflation of a series of separate historical and mythological figures.

But the discovery by English Heritage-funded archaeologists of a probable Dark Age palace at Tintagel will certainly trigger debate in Arthurian studies circles – because, in medieval tradition, Arthur was said to have been conceived at Tintagel as a result of an illicit union between a British King and the beautiful wife of a local ruler.


  1. Ymar Sakar10:42 AM

    The whole complex appears to have come into existence some time in the 5th or the early 6th century AD – but was probably in decline by the early 7th.

    Islam strikes again. Or rather, had already struck.

    The trade routes under Western Roman times reached quite far, but something stopped the shipment of papyrus to Europe and Britain. Without paper, the "Dark Age" was created.

  2. Ymar Sakar10:49 AM

    King Arthur this is not fiction. The fact that I am a native of North Ossetia Alania. It is in the Caucasus. The name Alan, common in England. This is due to the fact that my ancestors are from Alanya - Ossetia fought with you and left their mark. And in Ossetia a lot of English names. Even the city of London" is translated from the Alanian language as "Stagnant water". Lon - standing. Don - water. Arthur translated from the Ossetian language "fiery sword". We have in South Ossetia there is an ancient "Nart epic", and so the main hero of this epic represents King Arthur. Even though we Ossetians - Alans are unrecognized people in the world community. But we remember and know our history. We have a lot in common. The story is very much not understood. According to an analysis Suzanne chambers, resulting in ostrinskoe time legends of king Arthur, Queen Ginevra, the wizard Merlin, the knights of the Round table date back to the history of the Sarmatians, "the barbarian tribal unions. We have Alans - Ossetians! With Respect to the English brothers!

    This comment there is also interesting. It correlates with some other things I read, which put Arthur as a Roman educated Breton, using Sarmatian mercenaries or other tribal auxiliaries. Although these would be steppe nomads, not the local barbarian tribes.
