Updating Sidebar

In a discussion below, I mentioned that the sidebar could really use an update. All of you who are co-authors here are invited to let me know if you would like a links section added, or updated, with your favorites. Anything you may be writing yourselves, including other blogs or books, you are welcome to mention.

Many times I don't even realize that people who leave comments here have blogs of their own I should be following. Let me know if there are resources I should know about.


  1. Much to my sorrow, I found that nearly all the old milblogs are gone now. Readers joining us recently probably have no idea what blogs like the Mudville Gazette or the Old War Dogs even were. But there's no point in leaving dead links as memorials, I suppose.

  2. Now that I know that Amazon does author pages, I've also created a link to Lars Walker's books -- separate from the link that points to the blog at Brandywine Books, which was previously under the heading "Lars Walker."

  3. Maybe add a 'memorial link roll call' section for the dead links? I'm sentimental like that.

  4. I really miss the Mudville Gazette. I wonder how Greyhawk is doing? He's been retired for almost ten years, now.

  5. Thank you.

    Eric Hines
