"Those Of Us Who Are Over... 35 Or So..."

Some words from Ronald Reagan.

How are we doing on this, brothers and sisters?


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Good luck teaching the Pokémon Go generation.
    You can't get through the cultural conditioning and earbuds that shut you down. .

  2. I don't have trouble getting their attention. The problem for me is making them believe in the stories of what it used to be like.

  3. Even when it seems like they aren't listening, they hear you. Like everything else with kids, repetition is important. Also, whenever possible, don't talk- do. We go to ceremonies every Veterans and Memorial Day, put the flag up, start Independence Day with the J.P. Blacksmith Memorial 5k. Talk to your spouse in front of them (the car is perfect) about things you want them be aware of, but might not be that interested in. Leave talk radio with good hosts on. Don't just say it, live it. They'll hear it, even if it seems like they aren't listening.

  4. Ymar Sakar11:01 AM

    Various Christian communities have done R and D on how to raise a generation apart from the current world ruled by evil, which specifically means Lucifer is in charge of strategic operations.

    I've studied some of their internal methods, and some communities work pretty well. The Amish are a sort of special case example, I'm referring more to mainstream communities.

  5. My grandfather told me stories about WWI that I found very puzzling at the time, but I remembered them later when I was old enough to understand better.
