The Spirit of Rebellion

Here is a link to last year's Independence Day essay. I reassert everything.


  1. Please consider Bp Fulton Sheen's commentary (partial excerpts here:


  2. Ymar Sakar11:56 AM

    A couple of interesting topics such as military training women, the specific roles available to the sex/gender, and questioning Christianity vs Budo and equality vs special roles.

  3. One of the reasons I like the Veterans Exempt flag, D29, is that it combines "Don't Tread on Me" with "Thy Will Be Done." It's a nice reminder that, though the Founders had learned the lessons of the violent religious wars and had abandoned the idea of a state church with all its compulsion, they saw their project as a faithful one. One for which, as the skull and crossbones reminds, they were willing to die.

  4. Ymar Sakar1:11 PM

    Courtesy of G6, Raven might be specially interested in this, given the comment about Fast and Furious.

    A lot of this is, again, a result of Democrats being on defense committees and having a slice of the military industrial complex. Maybe more than a slice now a days. They were always the Warmonger party, but the world tends to blame America in general or the dreaded Republicans, for that aspect. A neat bit of sleight of hand there, courtesy of CNN and how stupid the masses in the world are.

  5. Ymar Sakar1:37 PM

    It's a nice reminder that, though the Founders had learned the lessons of the violent religious wars and had abandoned the idea of a state church with all its compulsion, they saw their project as a faithful one. One for which, as the skull and crossbones reminds, they were willing to die.

    A state religion that persecutes those who refuse to obey, is a replacement for divine authority, and is much like a church of lucifer.

    1st AD Christendom was closer to the American inspiration and model. Which is perhaps why the French Revolution got off course. Equality has no meaning without a divine authority that supersedes all federal and state "laws". Equality has no meaning without the power of death and the defiance there of.

    Ironically, even though Europeans settlers in the US were "Christian", they were Christian only in the "state religion" sense. (Excepting the Pilgrims and pioneers) Meaning, not true 1st AD Christendom. Those crafty Germans may have created the printing press and translated the Bible into vernacular languages, but the centuries which altered and mistranslated the Bible for the purposes of State power, could not be erased so easily. Finding the true knowledge, was always hard for human limitations on wisdom. So America was like the vineyard manager bringing back all the hybrid branches and trees planted in foreign soil that has now brought different fruit.

    And not merely the US of A, but the entire American continent. Christianity exists in Latin America, although I do not know how much of is close to 1st AD Christendom. Being close to American politics and economics is one thing, being close to 1st AD Christendom is an easier test to verify.

    By all logic, this country should never have worked out the way it did. Washington should have died at Long Island or taken the throne or been assassinated like Caesar. Arnold's treason should have succeeded. The Native Americans could have overwhelmed the settlers early on, or integrated/adapted faster and taken over the settlers using the power of their own culture. Destroying a culture is not so easy a thing to do even using Sun Tzu's principles.

    The Left has killed millions of Christians, babies included. Yet they have still not won. When they talk about America being great only because of the resources people took from the natives... I find that ridiculous in the extreme. The Left is only great because of the resources they obtained via blood magic and human sacrifice and Slavery 3.0, along with their allies the Islamic Jihad. Yet they still have not won. Conquering a continent and an empire like the Aztec/Mayans/Incans, is not as easy as the Left would like humans to think.
