Police Union President: "I Don’t Care if it’s Constitutional or Not."

NEW: Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association drafting asking OH Gov. John Kasich to suspend open carry in Cleveland during RNC Convention.
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) July 17, 2016
“We are sending a letter to Gov. Kasich requesting assistance from him. He could very easily do some kind of executive order or something — I don’t care if it’s constitutional or not at this point,” Cleveland Police Union president Stephen Loomis told CNN.
Duly noted, officer.


  1. Duly noted, officer.

    Maybe that should be Duly noted, Union President.

    Eric Hines

  2. He is an officer, though, as well as president of the union. I take your point to be that he is acting in the one capacity more than the other. The disrespect for the constitution from an armed agent of the state bothers me (and public sector unions are never a good idea anyway).

    This is quite the outspoken guy, however you want to characterize him. Five days ago he told a member of the Cleveland Browns to "kiss my ass," and today said that President Obama has "blood on his hands."

  3. The disrespect for the constitution from an armed agent of the state bothers me....

    As it does me. It's why we have a Constitution and its Bill of Rights. And why I keep harping on the responsibilities of We the People.

    I don't have a problem with his being outspoken, generally. I don't know the circumstance of his interaction with the Brown, but he's 1 for 3, maybe 1.5 for 3. Even union guys can be right sometimes.

    Eric Hines

  4. That he told the guy to kiss his ass I will accept as just a robust expression of opinion.

  5. Yep. Perhaps unprofessional, but hardly the end of the world.

    Eric Hines

  6. Ymar Sakar1:26 PM

    Sounds like a Red Wedding or massacre in store for the RNC then. Like I usually tell people, if you go out in public and start attracting the wrong kind of attention to yourself, you just might get drone bombed. That would be the worst case scenario, other than bio/wmd attacks. Recently, people tend to use guns though. It's not quite as effective.
