FBI Lets Us Down

After spending several minutes explaining that they had found clear evidence that Hillary Clinton met the legal standard for gross negligence, that she endangered Top Secret and Secret information, and that it is highly likely that our enemies gained access to her server...

...Director Comey recommends no charges. He says "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring them.

His conclusion does not follow from his premises, nor from the plain law.

This is a sad day for our nation.


The relevant law is 18 U.S.C. § 793(f). Gross negligence is the standard, and the FBI investigation proved it robustly by Comey's own statement. The shift to any other standard is a refusal to enforce the law. Those doing this for political reasons are asking us to entrust the enforcement of the law to someone whose continued freedom from prison depends solely on that refusal to enforce the law.

Clinton and her machine must be stopped.

That machine apparently includes the law enforcement apparatus of the Federal government.

James Comey: "To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences."

Indeed, I now have no choice but to expect to see the full weight of your organization brought down on her political enemies for much less.


  1. A sad moment, yes, but wonderfully clarifying.

    For those optimists clinging desperately to some hope of restoration of the Republic, this should act as a bucket of cold water in the face. I count myself among them.

  2. Puts a premium on defeating them at the polls this time.

    Eric Hines

  3. It is a violation of law large enough to call into question whether the polls will be legitimate.

  4. We'll find out in real time. Plenty of time to take other irrevocable actions after that.

    Eric Hines

  5. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Polls?? I think this proves we are well past relying on elections to fix anything. If the laws don't apply anymore, then cool. We can now do things the real easy way.


  6. Ymar Sakar2:54 PM

    A system at work, brought to the serfs by the lords of evil. Predictable, all too predictable.

    The power of the Leftist alliance is on par with the Islamic Jihad, well after the Islamic caliphates got smashed by the West.

    It's not something people can talk their way out of or talk/elect their Way to Victory. Victory against evil is not so easy.

  7. Ymar Sakar2:58 PM

    It is a violation of law large enough to call into question whether the polls will be legitimate.

    People are still assuming that Hussein will step down voluntarily and via due process, in x months. I, of course, don't make the assumptions other civilians make in this Peaceful World.

    But if people find out x months from now, they shouldn't be surprised. It's not like nobody warned them.

    OODA, trying to win a battle by always reacting and waiting for the enemy to make the first move.

  8. Ymar Sakar3:15 PM

    Clinton and her machine must be stopped.

    That machine apparently includes the law enforcement apparatus of the Federal government.

    The Leftist alliance has plenty more Clintons, even if you eradicate them entirely.

    As I mentioned before, the Left has 1000 tyrants worse than Hussein, ready to replace Hussein. That would mean, at least, 999 ready to Replace Clinton.

    The problem with fighting a hydra alliance is that if you knock off a few heads, it doesn't really matter all that much. Your people are still doomed. The heads regenerate back, even as you attempt to hack off the other ones.

    To use an interesting analysis technique, it would be like if Lucifer, after having convinced 1/3rd of the host of Heaven that God is wrong and that Lucifer is correct/just/right, also ends up making King Arthur, Beowulf, and Hercules into his vassals.

    When the hero and leader of a nation, is turned from good to evil, that nation cannot be saved. For the nation still wishes the salvation of their leader, but their leader is going off on an entirely different path.

    That is why Lucifer is said to be the Prince of nations, in control even here, and why freedom of will and resistance against principalities and powers was once mentioned as important. Why that differs from a divine kingdom where divine laws from God, apply, is difficult to parse. If all nations on Earth are corrupt and transient, then has there never been a nation obedient to God's laws? And yet, for darkness to exist, the brightest light must shine first.

    In seeing the greater power of evil, it has become easier to see the power that resists it, ironically.

    So instead of using superstitious functions, I'll use a wave form. Cosine. When a nation, like America, is riding high, it is because they have obeyed divine commandments. When a nation is riding low, that is because they have destroyed their self improvement by a number of rituals and rebellions against the source of authority that ensures their creation and free will.

    Americans should really have thought twice before they buried millions of Vietnamese overseas. Evil, no matter who does it in America's name, will always come back magnified a billion fold. The Indians even call it karma. Evil has some nice tricks like that. Ah, but Americans were fighting for freedom! Yet it was American Democrats that betrayed the Vietnamese to Russia and evil, and it was the American voters and citizens who Empowered the Existence of Democrats. It all leads to the same pot in the end, even if indirectly.

    By converting the blessings of the USA, inspired or created by God as a bastion of virtue, into the power of evil and the creation of satanic regimes, it's sort of like a focus crystal that converts light into darkness, or black bodies.

  9. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Come very ostentatiously refused to say why this case was not being brought, in light of the law and the facts.

    It's the kind of evasion a lawyer makes in a case where there is an ethical conflict.


  10. Handy summary: http://www.aei.org/publication/comeys-searing-indictment-of-hillary-clinton/?utm_source=paramount&utm_medium=email&utm_content=AEITODAY&utm_campaign=062416

  11. All the average joe is going to know, is this "the feds investigated, and declined to charge her".

  12. Ymar Sakar3:57 PM

    I am reminded of France's situation under Charles the 7th, when Jean De Arc came upon the political scene, with a command from her God.

    Even Americans are looking for saviors these days. Hussein, after all, was supposed to be the Messiah King for the Left.

  13. There are no saviors coming from the American political class. Our existing politics, and politicians, are not going to fix this.

  14. Donald Sensing has an interesting take on it. No warranty expressed or implied.

  15. Ymar Sakar6:38 PM

    There are no saviors coming from the American political class. Our existing politics, and politicians, are not going to fix this.

    Certainly, just as I knew to be the case that no amount of patriotism was going to save Iraq or Afghanistan from the Left's orders. The problem just got bigger than most people could imagine.

    Two things I researched a little bit recently are Japan's feudalistic and budo viewpoint of women and gender "equality". Plus Jean De Arc, a movie about her origins and the historical trials that took place.

    You might be interested in those two posts, Grim.


    An interesting point the author of the audio book, one post down from there, made was that the West often called on Japanese women to rebel, due to probably Western notions of gender equality or feminism. But the author questioned whether that was really the beneficial choice for a Japan that was still closely tied to the feudal and thus Budo/Bushido codes of honor. The samurai as a class was eliminated and transformed into bureaucrats, but that was a choice made by the Japanese to improve adaptation of Western practices, for the improvement of Japan.

    The author wrote much as Grim has written, that women were more protected and valued as wives and defenders of the home, than they ever were valued as mere workers for a company that paid taxes to a government.

    And then, as I'm guided along this path, I came across this source about Jean De Arc. What a coincidence. That would be the figure most relevant to historical and modern concerns on the topic of gender equality at least. And the one most relevant to me for martial reasons, as well.

    The description of ancient prophets and druids like the wizard Merlin, seemed all too superstitious. Yet the trial of Socrates and Jean De Arc, by their enemies, have provided the greatest illumination of the details for my personal consumption. The evil, in effect, turned out to be a keystone to the rest of us who wanted the truth. Instead of burying the truth, as the enemies of Socrates and Jean sought, they illuminated it for a number of centuries. I find that to be either a great gift of coincidence, or one of the greatest strategic plans ever.

    The two individuals who were self proclaimed "hearers" of divine voices and counsel/advice. I wondered how that would work out, what was this methodology of hearing counsel from inside and not from other humans? What was the truth of divinely inspired prophets, not what other normal superstitious humans thought they saw?

    It's a line of questions which may have great relevant import to modern day America, given the situation we and the nation have found ourselves in. Minus the ones who went overseas already, preparing for the FLood.
