Doctrine Man Poll: Johnson the Troop Favorite

I don't know if any of you participated in this poll, but here's how it shook out. It was a web-based poll, so the findings aren't considered scientific.
Current, reserve and former members of the Army preferred Johnson at 35.4 percent. Trump, the Republican nominee, came in second at 31.4 percent, and Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, at 15.3 percent.

Among the Marine community, an overwhelming 44.1 percent chose Johnson, while 27.1 percent chose Trump, and 12.7 percent chose Clinton.

The majority of the Air Force respondents chose Johnson at 39 percent, but Trump next at 29.9 percent and Clinton at 12.9 percent.

Trump ranked the top choice for the Navy community, at 32.4 percent, versus 31.7 percent for Johnson and 22.9 percent for Clinton.

Despite Clinton's underwhelming performance among active duty troops in the poll, their family members preferred Clinton at 29.4 percent to 27.5 percent for Trump. Johnson came in third, at 24.5 percent.

Trump came out on top among members of the military who retired after serving at least 20 years.

Retirees preferred Trump at 37.4 percent, compared to 32.2 percent for Johnson and only 11 percent for Hillary Clinton.

However, when former members of the military who served fewer than 20 years were included, Johnson came in first, at 36.1 percent, while Hillary Clinton garnered 12.6 percent.
Unfortunately, the category of "family members" is going to be much larger than any of the other categories. Though relatively fewer family members voted than service members, in a real election their slight preference for her would have big effects on the total vote. Still, it's striking that even with Johnson as the runaway favorite, Trump still pulled double the figure that Clinton did in the overall results of this poll.


  1. Ymar Sakar4:15 PM

    Used to be, Clinton and other Leftists liked to pretend that they were patriotic Americans "for the troops". That is no longer necessary now that the Left has uncapped their strategic reserves for the Final Push.

  2. Clinton came up tops for military family members? That is depressing.

    I suppose it fits with the rest of the year, politically speaking.

  3. Ymar Sakar8:18 PM

    Tom, it merely means the patriarchy doesn't exist. There's no family or clan discussions, no networking, no bottom up hierarchy that talks about life or politics at the dinner table.

    No communication between families, means that they are free to adhere to whatever faction they wish. And in this fashion, America, once united through blood and war, is a house set against itself.

    Consider Shinigami Shinseki. For all that the lobbying the military families did against Bush II and for Democrats, due to the war, what did they get in return? Death, horror, pain, and humiliation in the VA. That is a reward one would think Lucifer would have handed out.

  4. Maybe it means more of our current military are rebels from deep blue homes...

  5. There may also be a disproportionate number of officers as opposed to enlisted who are regular readers of "Doctrine Man." Officers tend to be disproportionately Republican, but that doesn't mean that their family are. Insofar as officers come from the college educated, in fact, it would be surprising if their families (presumably mostly also college educated) were.
