Bastille Day

30 dead in France. The weapon of choice? A big truck.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité still need fighting for. Aux armes, citoyens. You're likely to need those arms, and your ploughshares won't stop them.

That's true there, here, and everywhere.

UPDATE: There seems to be a big fire at the Eiffel Tower.

UPDATE: At least 75 killed. Bodies for a mile, some of them children. This is accounted a great day by our enemies.


  1. Eric Blair9:33 PM

    Bet that gets tried here, pretty soon.

  2. Bet you're right.

  3. The Eiffel tower is accidental and unrelated to Nice.

    Eric Hines

  4. It's been done here once or twice. Never with this large a vehicle or this terrible a death toll, though. The media seem to have managed to ignore these attacks because of that.

    They talk about the "margin of fraud" in elections. An awful phrase occurred to me the other day: the margin of ignoring. How big and blatant does an attack have to be before the media can't either ignore it or call it something else, successfully? How many people have to die to overcome the strategy of "just a lone crazy, FBI announced immediately that it's not a terrorist attack, nothing to see here"?

  5. I was pleased to see trending on Twitter tonight "#FightForWesternCivilization".
    More and more people are starting to get it, but when will enough people get it? How many bodies in the streets will it take?

  6. We may never know what motivated this young man, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a 31-year-old French citizen of Tunisian descent, to become involved in a deadly truck crash. I call for greater regulation of automatic transmissions.

  7. Indeed. If we just put governors on every truck so that they couldn't exceed 15 miles an hour, that common-sense reform could save so many lives.

  8. We joke, but the EU will probably put kill switches on trucks there now, of course never considering that anyone with a few brain cells could simply disconnect it.

  9. Ymar Sakar11:43 AM

    How many people have to die to overcome the strategy of "just a lone crazy, FBI announced immediately that it's not a terrorist attack, nothing to see here"?

    100 Wacos, as I said a few years ago. That's more than 50, less than 100, although you should check the casualty list online for the Waco 1 strike. Which also included a dozen plus children.

  10. Ymar Sakar11:46 AM

    We joke, but the EU will probably put kill switches on trucks there now, of course never considering that anyone with a few brain cells could simply disconnect it.

    Presumably, it'll be part of the "automatic cars driving itself" thing.

    A 100 Wacos multiplied by say 70 casualties per. That's the line I came up with for when Americans would wake up, defined as the propaganda no working to cover it up.

    But for France... well who knows when they'll wake up. Technically they already have the National Front, and they are already Awake. Strangely enough the NF also likes Jean de Arc.... interesting connection there, on the godly front.
