Reason Magazine on Creating a Gun Free America

One curse word, for those of you watching at work.


  1. Ymar Sakar12:32 PM

    There's a lot of people who think they can stop the second US civil war, however. And it's that kind of mentality which causes the war to start, ironically.

  2. I don't know that it can still be stopped. It's worth trying, though.

  3. raven3:20 PM

    If the left ever gets it's way on guns, it will come at a terrible price.
    I find it humorous the "progressives" are fixated on 19 century technology. Next they will go after swords, bows etc. They fail to see the deadliest weapon in the hands of a ruthless attacker is the keyboard under their fingers.

    You all remember Fast and Furious, the gov. attempt to transfer weapons from the US to Mexican cartel's, in order to facilitate violence with US registered weapons and make a case for gun control here. The import of vast numbers of completely unscreened Muslims and other illegals, and the early release from prison of violent felons, is a sort of Fast and Furious in reverse- instead of bringing the weapons to the criminals, they are bringing the criminals to the weapons, and using the resultant mayhem as their excuse.
    This approach has a second edge though, as wretchard points out, reality will trump fantasy and a lot of Americans will buy guns if they feel threatened. And also of course, just because we hate to be told no by the nannies.

  4. Ymar Sakar4:34 PM

    If it cannot be stopped, then "inevitable" is a good way to describe it. Of course, anyone can prove that wrong, by executing the evil and telling us to Stand Down, there's nobody to fight any more.

    Except nobody had done that, not even the Tea Party. They were knee capped when they tried.

    In all that time, somebody would have stopped it, if they could. But they cannot, and the more they try, the more they communicate to the enemy that war will be useful, because look at all these weaklings trying to stop Islam with Peace or the Left with compromises. Just look at them, which megalomaniac holy warrior wouldn't want to invade them or shoot up some homo clubs of those folks. Low hanging fruit.

    The Democrat slave culture even thought it was glorious, heroic, and ambitious to attack a member of the Senate or was it the House, in DC. There's a certain point where being underestimated is what causes a war. And the people who show weakness in doing anything to stop a war, including Chamberlain compromises, are the ones who spark more of it.

    But they don't have to be like that. They could succeed, like Chamberlain succeeded. Or not. If they win over the Left or Islam using diplomatic protocols, they can tell me and the rest of those like me, to go to hell, and there'd be nothing we could or would do or say about that. The Left is defeated, I need not lift a single finger anymore.

    Except they aren't even close to defeat. Meanwhile there's a stack of bodies at Waco 2, the border, and the rest of the country, that is going to stack up as high as the moon before this is over. That's another thing I saw. People thought I should have gone to Syria to see it, but the vision was always about America, the US of A. Not some meaningless Syrian dead end state. The Russians have an interest there, though. Allows them to sandwitch the Ottomans, sorry the Turks, between Crimea and Syrian control of the Mediterranean. At least the Russians know how to play Go, even if they aren't particularly good at it in military strategy.

    You all remember Fast and Furious, the gov. attempt to transfer weapons from the US to Mexican cartel's, in order to facilitate violence with US registered weapons and make a case for gun control here.

    A recent look into the Cartels by Vice City, had some interesting videos that the Cartels still have as many M16 assault rifles as they do now, as before. The F and F stuff was a blip, it didn't matter, because they were getting a lot of US weapons from somebody else.

    They may have more US weapons in the cartel hands now a days, than the national guard does at Texas. Small arms at least.

  5. Ymar Sakar4:41 PM

    F and F, keecapping the Tea Party logistics via IRS strategic weapons, are all the things the Leftist alliance allows people to see. Because they don't care about hiding it any more. My question, since 2007, was "what else is the Leftist alliance doing in the shadows that nobody has figured out yet".

    Did people figure out that the tea party had been eviscerated in 2009, 2010? Or did they figure it out long after the 2012 elections, when it didn't matter any more. Oh but Lois was going to be prosecuted and pay for her crimes right? Hah.

    The Left dripples out some barely relevant intel and news to their enemies, and their enemies think they have a handle now on the true nature of the Left. They haven't even seen half of the Leftist alliance's true power, yet their arrogance knows no bounds. Nemesis is calling. Look at Orland. It has already visited the ones who voted in evil and loved Demoncrats. Vote for demons, get demonic rituals.

  6. The Democrat slave culture even thought it was glorious, heroic, and ambitious to attack a member of the Senate or was it the House, in DC.

    Charles Sumner? He was a Senator.

    That's another thing I saw. People thought I should have gone to Syria to see it, but the vision was always about America, the US of A.

    You should change your name to Ezekiel.

  7. Ymar Sakar8:12 PM

    If the God of Israel and of Jesus, is the unchanging and eternal God of miracles, then people should still have access to that conduit and be capable of similar insights today, as before. Even Socrates had his own personal oracle, and he wasn't even a Christian. They didn't have Christianity back then, although the Jewish Moses law was still in effect.

    If the Catholic and Orthodox and Baptist lineages no longer have access to this power, I have to wonder if they even worship the same god any more.

    I'm practical minded, theology isn't as important as the military power a civilization and its people needs to defeat their enemies. In that sense, the Jewish Zealots and the Trump believers, are in similar camps. I just don't think people can save themselves by looking at human kings as heroes or saviors.

    There's been something wrong with the Catholics for awhile. The Byzantine Orthodox Church, now in Moscow/Russia and what is left of the Armenians after Islam genocided them, may have more tidbits. Hard to say, I don't read or speak Russian. The American Southern Baptists, also had problems. If they had a personal divine connection, they wouldn't have allowed so many generations to support Jim Crow, white supremacy eugenics, or the KKK, or even slavery. They would have sought to abolish it, like the abolitionists, or they would have tried to reforming it so it wasn't Slavery 2.0 (caste bloodlines).

    Islam is very successful, but it is more like they have the power and luck of the Devil.

  8. If the God of Israel and of Jesus, is the unchanging and eternal God of miracles, then people should still have access to that conduit and be capable of similar insights today, as before. Even Socrates had his own personal oracle, and he wasn't even a Christian.

    You have an interesting view of prophecy. It's similar to Maimonides' view, which I also find striking. Maimonides said that if a man should become fully virtuous in broadly Aristotelian ways, naturally he would become a prophet. It would be a miracle if he didn't, not if he did. God operates using the laws of nature as his tools, and thus prophecy must also have natural laws governing it. God would only have to 'step in' if he wanted to prevent you from becoming a prophet even though you had obtained the sort of character that would give you access -- much as you speak of prophecy as a kind of conduit to which we could gain access.

    I have a different view of prophecy. I think it is a relationship with God, one that God bestows or not for his own reasons and without regard to your internal virtues or wishes in the matter. Jonah, you may remember, didn't want it. Very often God has to tell the prophets not to be afraid to say the terrible things he tells them to say.

    For myself, I am very glad not to be a prophet. I am glad that my dreams never foretell the future. I do not desire visions that come to pass regardless of our efforts to stop them. Nevertheless, for a while in Iraq I did have a colonel who called me "Oracle" because I could reliably tell him what was going to happen with the war for the next two weeks. That was just analysis, though, not prophecy -- and two weeks is not that far in the future.

  9. Ymar Sakar1:37 AM

    Jonah, you may remember, didn't want it. Very often God has to tell the prophets not to be afraid to say the terrible things he tells them to say.

    I consider that a different power. What people may call interpretation, speaking in tongues, or receiving divine wisdom or knowledge, without using earthly wisdom or knowledge.

    Mohammed himself may have received true divine revelation, but I doubt he continued in the correct path, later on. But his early attempts at peaceful conversions did seem much like Jesus of Nazareth.

    That was just analysis, though, not prophecy -- and two weeks is not that far in the future.

    If anyone had asked me in 2007, what would become of Petraeus and the Iraq liberation efforts, I would have to either be honest or not say anything. And to be honest and frank, I thought the Leftist alliance would ensure that the Iraqi operation would become a complete loss, that all the deaths, allied and patriotic, would be for nothing, be in vain. Because the Left would ensure that it be so, just as they got rid of the Republic of Vietnam.

    That wasn't a rational analysis, after all. Hussein wasn't even on the horizon, although his name was whispered in the hallowed grounds of evil DC as a Senator.

    Everyone, even Leftists, could not help but accept Petraeus as the game changer in Iraq. That was only for the short term strategy though. For whatever reason, I knew absolutely for certain, that the Left would do to Iraq what they did to Vietnam. Sooner or later.

    And they did.

    Even as the military pulled out, and that other general, McChrystal I believe, was sent to Afghanistan. I knew they would do the same thing there, and cripple them. Which they did, to McChrystal. It's like a Direct Whisper channel from DC/Hussein to me.

    I myself did not believe in divine revelation or prophecies. They were even more irrational than the gut instinct people in battles talked about getting. The moment people started talking about receiving their own divine inspiration and gut instincts though, I had to look all this stuff up again.

    As for Maimonides, don't know much about him. Had to look him. I believe he was a well known doctor, but that is about it. Hearing what he thought about the Jewish Disaspora and disobedience to God/Moses commandment would have been interesting. If I recall, Moses told the Jews that there would be a second, better, Covenant of Laws, in the second coming of the Messiah. Which was probably Jesus, if not Jesus than Mohammed before he turned evil, either way the Jews rejected both in favor of false prophets. Being exiled from the holy place of Bethlem (wonder if that was Bethlehem, where Jacob's ladder was) for almost 2000 years, was a pretty harsh penalty. The fact that the Jewish clans came back and actually survived, hard to account for. After all, the Kurds and Armenians survived but they did not prosper so much.

    I still don't think the Jewish clans were the only tribe chosen by God to be in their Covenant. There were plenty of other tribes in the 12/13, that got scattered. They're probably still around, probably the Kurds and Armenians, they still got the Fire in em.

  10. A prophet speaks for God, often (in the OT) explaining what God means by this or that event. Plenty of people freelance, then and now ("hurricane X is God's judgment on us for tolerating Y"). Bad idea. IIRC Job's friends tried something similar (this happened to you because you're a sinner) and got chewed out for it--more explict false prophets didn't always get off that easy.

  11. Indeed. I said something similar about Barack Obama's speaking 'in the prophetic mode' back in 2008. Whether or not he will suffer for it, or our nation will suffer for having believed in him, is still to be seen.

  12. " or our nation will suffer for having believed in him, is still to be seen. "

    We are suffering now. We will suffer more.

  13. Ymar Sakar7:56 PM

    The Bible already classified them as false prophets.

    The true prophets and holy men, tend to be the dead ones for Christianity. And for Islam, they are pretty successful warlords.

    The issue was always how to teach a bunch of goat herders and revenge loving clan tribalists how to tell "false" from "true" prophets.

    If they wanted to be told which is which, they then need an expert witness or authority... and if the authority is already false, they are already damned even before the first question comes out.

    Looking at Enron, Madoff, and Clinton, this nation couldn't tell "truth" from "false shadows" if people's lives were depending on it. Gays couldn't in Orlando, after all the homos declared that Reality and Truth and Justice was on their side. Perhaps it is, when they are all dead or enslaved.

    The ability to determine the truth from what is false, is a prerequisite. It is not a skill people should think they will get on the job training for.

    The Persians, before the age of Islam wiped them out or enslaved them, had the circle rightful kingship, which bound the top authority to the lowest farmer. The Persians also had 3 pillars for training young noble warriors, and one of them was to speak the truth.

    If a nation or civilization can no longer tell the difference between a holy man of God or a false prophet, that is most likely because the people in that nation/civ are used to lying and falling for deception. They have gotten into the habit of it.

    That's a problem that won't go away, even if all the false prophets are hunted down and killed. One of the easier ways to tell the difference is to see which prophecies are given by prophets. A prophet that has no prophecies would just be a normal human leader or holy person.

  14. Ymar Sakar8:03 PM

    The problem with the old religious system is that it was easily corrupted from the top down. They needed a system that was bottom up, that created holy men and women, who could rule themselves and watch each other. Instead of relying on a few Priest Kings who were easily killed or murdered or corrupted or swayed.

    1st century AD Christendom didn't have a corporate or secular system to enforce rules. They had holy leaders and apostles, it was almost like a martial arts lineage and pass down institution.

    Getting a bottom up system in a society bereft of the internet... well that was virtually impossible without divine assistance back then.

    If a prophet told the people that he knows what God's message is, who will contradict that prophet? Without transparency and individual verification, there's no way. Without a personal conduit to the power of divine revelation and the God head, there is no way to verify the hierarchy and validity. Human wisdom's ability to verify reality is finite, there's only like 3% of humanity that can use human wisdom and knowledge to the limit.

    A religious Priest-King is just another name for an Enlightened Monarchy. It'll be good up until the next Priest King is evil. For a religious divine entity floating in the heavens of the galactic core and rim spiral worlds, that's not a mistake they should have made.
